Dinosaur National Park By Josh Sabbagh
When was the Dinosaur National Park founded and why? In 1909, paleontologist Earl Douglas discovered 150 million dinosaurs fossil beds; The Dinosaur National Monument was establish in 1915 by President Woodrow Wilson in order to preserve the fossil beds.
Important dates August 17, 1909 - Earl Douglass, Carnegie Museum paleontologist, discovers eight vertebra of an Apatosaurus, the first skeleton discovered and excavated at the Dinosaur Quarry October 4, 1915 - President Woodrow Wilson signs presidential proclamation establishing 80 acres surrounding the Dinosaur Quarry as Dinosaur National Monument July 14, 1938 - President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs Presidential proclamation expanding monument by approximately 200,000 acres to include the canyons of the Green and Yampa rivers June 1, 1958 - Dinosaur Quarry Visitor Center is dedicated and opened to the public 1965 - Monument Headquarters Visitor Center and Harpers Corner tour road are dedicated and opened to the public October 4, 2011 - The Quarry Exhibit Hall and Quarry Visitor Center are reopened after a 5½ year closure.
Dinosaur National Park is located between Utah and Colorado States Dinosaur National Park U.S.A. Map
Land forms and features Dinosaur national park has many features such as the green river and split mountan
Dinosaur National Park Topographic Map A topographic map of the Utah side, Dinosaur National park has a variety of features such as the canon river.
Special Land Features Dinosaur NM is a land of ancient fossils, past environments preserved in Stone, where two rivers go across mountains and a landscape with life everywhere
The Green river extends 730 miles from its source in the Colorado river The Yampa river extends for nearly 250 miles from its headwaters in Colorado's mountains
Flaming Gorge Dam, 47 miles upstream from the park boundaries. A concrete thin-arch dam on the Green River, a major tributary of the Colorado River, in northern Utah in the United States
Environmental issues Global warming tied together Oil and gas development somehow Air quality problems On March 2015 Feds Set New Rules for Drilling Near Dinosaur National Monument, Oil and gas development can continue in tandem with conservation efforts. Based on previous experience, its known that oil and gas exploration and development adjacent to Dinosaur National Monument could cause air and water pollution, increased noise, loss of wildlife habitat, a decrease in visitors, and numerous environmental impacts from creating new roads to handle the increased traffic.
EPA Spills 1 million Gallons Of Mine Waste Into A Colorado River A massive waste spill turned the river orange. * EPA _ US Environmental Protection Agency
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Kinds of rocks Fossils ; All of the rocks exposed in the area are sedimentary mainly because many dinosaurs once roamed at the area and many of them died leaving there fossilized bones in side the rock all of the exposed rocks in the area are sedimentary rock the age can range from 1100 million years ago to 25 million
Technology usage The technology usage at dinosaur national park is helpful because it helps Inform people about harmful occurrences happing at the park so they can help.
Sources http://www.usbr.gov/uc/rm/crsp/gallery/fg-gallery/pages/pg6.html http://www.mintpressnews.com/epa-spills-1-million-gallons-of-mine-waste-into-a-colorado-river/208430/ http://www.revolvy.com/main/index.php?s=List+of+rivers+of+Utah&item_type=topic http://3dparks.wr.usgs.gov/dino/index.html http://www.nps.gov/dino/learn/nature/geology.htm https://www.npca.org/articles/170-fighting-oil-and-gas-development-at-dinosaur-national-monument-a-victory-or ww.publicnewsservice.org/2015-03-31/public-lands-wilderness/feds-set-new-rules-for-drilling-near-dinosaur-national-monument/a45426-1