Research Organisation Subgroup June 1, 2017 Researchfish Research Organisation Subgroup June 1, 2017
Agenda Time Item Person 10:00 Welcome & Introductions Gavin Reddick 10:10 Funders User Group update & actions Steven Hardy 10:20 Interoperability Work 10:50 Update on development programme Sean Newell 11:20 RO Focus Group Update 11:30 Governance: User Group Changes 11:40 Agenda items for the next meeting All 11:50 Any Other Business 12:00 Close
Funders User Group Update
Q1 Submission Period 2017 Q1 Submission Period 2017 Interoperability Update
Interoperability Phase 2 Pilot Process split into Validation and Decision Data Exchange – Universities Excel Template using agreed structure 24 hour turnaround time target Processed around 20 submissions, mainly in second week Different ROs took different approaches Standardised “error messages” Validation failures Fuzzy logic alerts Improved and refined process over the 2 week period Summary of the pilot phase 2 information exchange with ROs – November 2016
Distribution of decisions for valid records by RO
Interoperability Phase 2: Attributions by Year
The number of publications added from the 6 ROs in the November 2016 update (for all funders all publication years) was contrasted with the number of publications remaining at the end of the 2016 submission period (10 funders, publication year 2015 or 2016)
Following the 2016 submission period the number of publications added for the 6 ROs and 10 Funders participating in the pilot, where the publication year was 2015 or 2016, was analysed by RO/Route to produce the above graph
The second phase of the pilot includes a wider range of funders and for 4 of the ROs the overall number added by the end of the submission period is higher in absolute numbers than Phase 1, but 2 of the ROs have had fewer publications added during the submission period
Every RO has a higher proportion from CRIS in Phase 2
Every RO has a higher proportion from Harvesting publications in Phase 2
Preloaded publications make up a greater proportion of publications reported across all 6 of the ROs, though Edinburgh and St Andrews also have fewer publications overall
Disattribution Sometimes publications attributed to an award are subsequently disattributed. Publications added either from publication attributions or the pilot were monitored. Overall 4% of publications added as part of the December 2015 interoperability pilot were removed by the end of the 2016 Data Submission Period. No difference in disattribution rates from publication and CRIS records. Some variation in disattribtion rates between pilot institutions but very low absolute numbers.
The higher rates at Imperial seem to be a function of backfilling (see next slide)
Disattribution rates are generally lower for more recent records
Compared to Phase 1 Cambridge and St Andrews have lower rates, though the other ROs have higher rates
Disattribution rates higher for Phase 2 CRIS though with low absolute numbers, relative to harvested publications
New Developments High level award types Activity Page Altmetric Integration
High Level Award Types Based on the same types used to classify Further Funding Research grant (including intramural programme) Fellowship Studentship Capital/Infrastructure (including equipment) Travel/small personal Other
Altmetric Integration Reporting Beta 0.3 Release High level award types Super Search Activity Page
Development Plan Three main themes for the year: e-Val redesign Interoperability Data Quality/Integration
e-Val Redesign 2016 redesign of PI Interface was very positively received. 2017 redesign of e-Val will improve admin experience, make existing tasks easier, add new functionality, and lay foundation for further additions. Streamline/Simplify Tabs and options Finish Reports (Beta) More charts/tables/options Support for data sharing pool Data Export Improvements Super Search
e-Val Redesign: Data Export Improvements Deferred Download New format data exports New data in exports e.g. F1000, ORCID, DOAJ New export types Data Dictionary
e-Val Redesign: Super Search The purpose of the super search is to enable the user to have a single place to query their data. It is important that the search is fast, powerful and flexible. Users should be able to: Search all their data (including shared data) with a single search. Use simple search syntax – e.g. exact, wildcard Create compound searches with multiple conditions. Lock and pivot searches e.g. Show all publications produced by awards with policy influences with “mouse” in the text. Search live data and previously submitted versions. See awards linked to an output and use them as links to those awards’ details. Select a subset on the search results and perform actions on that subset – e.g. pivot, create a custom award group, add them to a “case study”, export the results
Create Custom Award Group Export Results Super Search Pivot Search Create Custom Award Group Export Results Case Study Builder Entry Workflow Data Flagging Workflow
Interoperability Implementation of Publication with Unique ID upload for Research Organisations – targeting November 2017 release Implementation of improved routine publication harvesting. Continue to investigate other sources/types of data suitable for interoperability. Next steps?
Data Quality/Integration Data Quality/Integration Locations – Links to external location datasets (Fundref, Companies House equivalents, etc.) Publications – Enhanced metadata, open access and beyond Spin Out Companies Research Materials – Databases and Models Research Materials – Tools and Methods Software and Technical Products Artistic and Creative Products Intellectual Property
RO Focus Group Update
Governance Changes
Agenda Items for Next Meeting
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