Conducting a Close Reading: Digging Deeply Into Our Readings The “Warm Up” FIRST, Recall what “active reading” means in college assignments. SECOND, What happens when we get “close” to something? What does it mean to get “close?” SO, What might it mean when we refer to “close reading?”
Conducting a Close Reading: Digging Deeply Into Our Readings Close Reading Defined Close Reading: Close Reading refers to looking carefully at a short passage or paragraph from a text and __________ through it for important __________ , __________ , and __________ that demonstrate _____ __________ and __________ of the overall text. A Close Reading will focus on __________ _____ __________ instead of making __________ __________ .
Conducting a Close Reading: Digging Deeply Into Our Readings How to Conduct a Close Reading Step ONE: FIRST, a close reading is BEST accomplished __________ having already __________ the book / chapter. For example, if your teacher wants you to conduct a close reading from Chapter 2 of The Sound of Waves, you will need to read the entire chapter before selecting the paragraph that you will use for your close reading analysis.
Conducting a Close Reading: Digging Deeply Into Our Readings How to Conduct a Close Reading Step Two: The 5Ws and H Think of a close reading exercise as you going through a __________ looking for __________ information from that passage. Before you dig deep, you need to cover the basics: Who--Who is speaking? What--What is taking place in the passage? Where--Where is this taking place or what location is described? When--When does this take place and when is it being described? Why--Why is this passage important in the “bigger” picture? How--How--We’ll look more into this next…
Conducting a Close Reading: Digging Deeply Into Our Readings How to Conduct a Close Reading Step Two: The 5Ws and H Continued… How--How is this passage presented? Look at Word Choice (simple & familiar or difficult & unknown?) Look at Sentence Structure (Simple or complex? Short or long?) Look at POV--3rd Person Objective, 1st Person Subjective? Limited Perspective or Omniscient (All-Knowing) Look at the Type of Text--essay, novel, poem and the genre (fiction, nonfiction, horror, etc). NOW, ask yourself: “What __________ do these different methods of presentation _____ us?” “How do they help us __________ __________ the writer’s __________ ?”
Conducting a Close Reading: Digging Deeply Into Our Readings How to Conduct a Close Reading Step Three: Figurative Language NEXT, begin with looking at __________ __________ , or words and phrases that appeal to your _____senses to create a picture in your ________ to get an idea across. __________ : A comparison of unlike subjects using “like” or “as” to point out an implicit similarity. __________ : A comparison of unlike subjects to point out an implicit similarity. __________ : Exaggeration used for emphasis. __________ : The giving of human attributes to nonliving or nonhuman subjects. NOW, ask yourself: “What sort of figurative language is being used here?” “What is the message the writer is trying to convey?” “Is it particularly effective? Why or why not?”
Conducting a Close Reading: Digging Deeply Into Our Readings How to Conduct a Close Reading Step Four: The Cultural Connection FINALLY, think about how __________ & __________ might factor into the passage. In particular, you’ll want to consider: The world & culture in which the __________ lived/lives, The world & culture the writer is __________ ___ __________ The world & culture in which __________ live NOW, ask yourself: “How can I see the culture of the writer in this passage?” “Is this an accurate portrayal of the culture that the writer is describing?” “How is this passage (and text) important today in my culture and life?”
Conducting a Close Reading: Digging Deeply Into Our Readings The “Wrap Up” FIRST, We look at what “__________ __________ ” means. NEXT, We __________ the __________ chapter before finding a passage to analyze. THEN, We began looking at the __________ and ___ to gather important facts and info about the passage. AFTER, We looked for the use and significance of any __________ __________ . FINALLY, We tried to make any __________ __________ between the __________ , the __________ of the text, and our present day __________ .