Hen Harrier Species ID and behavior
Hen Harrier Identifying features Harriers when flying are usually recognisable even at a distance by the shallow 'V' shape of their wings
Hen Harrier Identifying features Hen Harriers (and other harriers) have an almost 'owl like' flat facial disc
Hen Harrier Identifying features A distinct white rump – upper tail coverts Note the relatively long tail - compared to the body length Also note HH are slim birds with noticeably long and broad wings. Female hen harriers have a wingspan of up to 118 centimetres (almost 4 feet), and a body length of 55 centimetres (almost 2 feet), whilst males are slightly smaller.
Hen Harrier Identification – Annual Cycle
Hen Harrier Identification - Behaviour Hunting – Their hunting behaviour is quite distinctive, using a flapping, buoyant flight they quarter the ground, in less favourable weather they often fly into the wind, using the currents to help keep aloft. The hunting style is not dis-similar to that of Short-eared Owls
Hen Harrier Identification - Behaviour Display - Most hen harriers arrive back on their breeding grounds in March or April. The males soon begin to indulge in spectacular, aerobatic display flights in order to attract a female. Aerial displays between paired birds include turning over in flight with talons outstretched, rapid, roller-coaster chases and dramatic stoops towards
Hen Harrier Identification - Behaviour Please click HERE To play a short video of a male Hen Harrier during courtship display
Hen Harrier Identification - Behaviour Food pass - Male hen harriers make food-flights, where they fly over and around the nesting territory carrying prey or another object (e.g. heather stick, clod of earth) in one foot. Full food presentation to the female begins intermittently prior to laying and continues as full provisioning of the female through to early chick rearing. Aerial food passes are made within the nesting territory, normally very close to the nest: the female usually calls on seeing the approaching male and may fly up to meet him. However, in the early stages of nesting, food may be passed to the female on the ground or even left near the nest for her to collect.
Hen Harrier Identification – Behaviour – Food Pass Please click HERETo play a short video of a food pass between a pair of Hen Harriers
Ring-tail - juvenile or adult female Separation of juvenile and immature birds from adult females on plumage very difficult; adult females tend to have paler underparts but there is considerable variation. Young brown males are smaller and less bulky in appearance; the majority begin to moult into grey adult plumage in the spring/summer of their second calendar year, during which time they will appear partially coloured until the moult is completed by the autumn of the same year. After the post-juvenile moult the plumage is generally like an adult male but has a darker area on the back (mantle and scapulars) and a brownish nape (hindneck) patch; these feathers may not completely disappear until birds are four or five years old