CONNECTION TYPES Shear End-Plate Double Angles Single Angle Shear Tab or Single Plate Tee Seated – Unstiffened and Stiffened
Requires Beam to be Cut to Exact Length Comments: SHEAR END-PLATE End Plate 1 1/4" Minimum Edge Distance Note : End Plate Thickness Range is 1/4" to 3/8" Advantages: Simple – Few Parts No Holes in Beam Disadvantages: Requires Beam to be Cut to Exact Length Comments: Not commonly used in US; very common in Australia and Europe
Double Sided Connections into Column Webs are an Erection Problem DOUBLE ANGLES Horizontal short slots may be used in angles 2 Angles Advantages: Beam Length can Vary Weld or Bolt to Beam Disadvantages: Double Sided Connections into Column Webs are an Erection Problem
Not recommended for laterally unbraced beams. SINGLE ANGLE Bolted and Welded Alternatives @ Top Return Advantages: Eliminates Erection Problem Fewer Parts Disadvantages: Larger Angle Required Larger Bolts or Weld Comment: Not recommended for laterally unbraced beams.
SHEAR TAB or SINGLE PLATE Advantages: Simple – Few Parts No Welding on Beam Disadvantages: Stiffer than Other Types Requires Careful Design Comments: Two design models available, with very different results. Single Plate
UNSTIFFENED SEATED CONNECTION Advantages: Few Parts Few Bolts Disadvantages: Requires Stability Angle Limited strength Comment: Commonly used to connect to the web of a column. Alternate Clip Position @ Top Return Seat Angle 2" Stabilizer Clip 4"
STIFFENED SEATED CONNECTION Advantages: Few Parts Few Bolts Disadvantages: Requires Stability Angle Introduces a Column Web Limit State Comment: Commonly used to connect to the web of a column. 2" 4" Alternate Clip Position Stabilizer Clip Seat Plate Stiffener Optional Trim Lines
DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Ductility Considerations Angle thickness < 5/8 in. Wide gage Wide vertical weld spacing with minimum horizontal returns
DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Beam Length Tolerance +/- 1/4 in. To accommodate: Setbacks in calculations are usually 1/2 in. End edge distances are taken 1/4 in. less than detailed.
SHEAR END-PLATES End Plate 1 1/4" Minimum Edge Distance Note : End Plate Thickness Range is 1/4" to 3/8"
Shear End-Plate Limit States Beam: Beam Gross Shear Coped Beam Flexural Strength Web Strength at Weld Weld: Weld Rupture
Shear End-Plate Limit States 1. Gross Shear 2. Net Shear 3. Block Shear 4. Bearing and Tear Out Bolts: 5. Bolt Shear Girder or Column: Bearing and Tear Out 1 2 3 4, 5
Welded / Bolted Double Angles Gross Shear Net Shear Block Shear Bearing / Tear Out Bolt: Shear Rupture