R-UNDG ECA Working Group on Social Protection


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Presentation transcript:

R-UNDG ECA Working Group on Social Protection Origins and way forward R-UNDG Europe and Central Asia Issue-based Coalition Second (2017) meeting of focal points Istanbul, 17 April 2017


SOCIAL PROTECTION FLOOR 2009: UN Social Protection Floor Initiative (UN SPF-I) two components: Social transfers: a set of social transfers, in cash and in kind to provide a minimum income security and [financial] access to essential health care. Essential services: access to essential services (such as water and sanitation, adequate nutrition, health and education). 2012: ILO Recommendation 202, including four lifecycle guarantees: access to essential health care including maternity care basic income security for children providing access to nutrition, education, care basic income security for persons in active age unable to earn sufficient income basic income security for persons in old age

SOCIAL PROTECTION FLOORS: A RENEWED MANDATE “Strong and concerted UN support has played a role in helping countries across regions to formulate national social protection floors.” - UNDG Chair Helen Clark and ILO Director-General Guy Ryder March 2014 2014: Endorsement by UNDG and reaffirmation by ILO, and call for national team formation, national dialogues and assessments, UNDAF integration and statistical support. 2015: Endorsement by DOCO, and call for continued One UN SPF-I efforts. 2015: SDGs prioritize social protection (SDGs 1.3, 3.8, 5.4, 8.5, 10.4), including “social protection systems and measures for all, including floors” …” “… within your national context, [take] the necessary steps to support countries in extending national floors of ‘social protection for all’ in the Post-2015 period...” - UN DOCO Director, Kanni Wignaraja in letter to all UNRCs/UNCTs March 2015

1 2 3 Level/venue Activity examples Output examples Create regional Thematic Working Groups on SP/SPF Jointly develop knowledge products and guidelines Integrate SP/SPF into regional UNDG work plans Support UNCTs/UNRCs Create national SPF Task Teams Conduct joint activities at national level (e.g. dialogue, gaps assessment, coordinated delivery mechanisms, etc.) Integrate SPF into UNDAFs, SDG implementation plans   Include SPF in UN staff and national delegate trainings Develop global knowledge/guides Develop and maintain a global social protection database based on administrative data UNCTs NATIONAL  REGIONAL  UNDG REGION UNDG/DOCO GLOBAL Regional policy messages, tool-kits, best practice guides, and training events Global policy messages, guidelines, training packages and monitoring for SDG 1.3 Extension of national SPFs, increased coverage levels IMPLEMENTATION OF SDG 1.3 1 2 3

1 2 3 Level/venue Activity examples Output examples Create regional Thematic Working Groups on SP/SPF Jointly develop knowledge products and guidelines Integrate SP/SPF into regional UNDG work plans Support UNCTs/UNRCs Create national SPF Task Teams Conduct joint activities at national level (e.g. dialogue, gaps assessment, coordinated delivery mechanisms, etc.) Integrate SPF into UNDAFs, SDG implementation plans   Include SPF in UN staff and national delegate trainings Develop global knowledge/guides Develop and maintain a global social protection database based on administrative data UNCTs NATIONAL  REGIONAL  UNDG REGION UNDG/DOCO GLOBAL Regional policy messages, tool-kits, best practice guides, and training events Global policy messages, guidelines, training packages and monitoring for SDG 1.3 Extension of national SPFs, increased coverage levels IMPLEMENTATION OF SDG 1.3 1 2 3

WORKING GROUP ON SOCIAL PROTECTION IN EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA Creation by UNDG ECA on 8 May 2015 TORs developed by ILO/UNICEF/UNDP and approved by the R-UNDG ECA directors 2 objectives: Support coordinated country work Contribute to UN reform and SDG implementation 3 types of activities: Develop a joint position and advocacy Provide technical support to country initiatives Knowledge development and sharing (document and share examples of social protection reforms)

ACTIVITY TO DATE Nomination of 18 national, 8 regional focal points FAO, ILO, UNDP, UNFPA UNICEF, UN Women and WFP Web site http://un.social-protection.org Survey on social protection priorities in ECA May 2016 focal points’ virtual meeting Tools Country experiences Joint advocacy messages


SOCIAL PROTECTION PRIORITIES IN ECA Survey on social protection priorities in ECA - results: Improving policy coordination Strengthening social work provision and case management Addressing social protection financing issues Enhancing social service provision Monitoring and evaluation Conduct of assessment-based national dialogues for national strategy development

IN 2017 … After first meeting, the Group agreed: A Joint UN Position Paper for social protection in Europe and Central Asia Showcasing on-going UN cooperation on social protection at the country level Transformation from Working Group to “Issue-based Coalition”

TOWARDS AND ISSUES-BASED COALITION The issues-based coalition will gradually engender greater coherence among UN and non-UN entities in: Developing common positions and advocacy Exchange knowledge, experiences and good practices Joint efforts for resource mobilization Core TWG SP ECA will follow a “Road Map,” with gradual expansion to wider range of stakeholders Phase 1: Consolidation of core group Phase 2: Redoubled engagement with UN members Phase 3: Broader outreach to identify and engage Coalition

R-UNDG ECA Working Group on Social Protection Thank you. R-UNDG Europe and Central Asia Issue-based Coalition Second (2017) meeting of focal points Istanbul, 17 April 2017