Cyprus Education Case: Democratic procedures which lead to inequality results Dr. Stefanos Spaneas Wednesday, 14.06.2017 VREVET @ 2015
Cyprus Demographics* Total Population: 838.897 (0.2% of EU) 179.547 non Cypriots * (CyStat 2011) 2
Migration Statistical Details Regional analysis of the percentage of non Cypriots Region Nationality Total Cypriot Other Fx % Nicosia 325.756 100 264.221 81,1 61.535 18,9 Famagousta 46.452 37.016 79,7 9.436 20,3 Larnaca 143.367 114.103 79,6 29.264 20,4 Limasol 235.056 186.536 79,4 48.520 20,6 Paphos 57.474 65,1 30.792 34,9 838.897 659.350 78.6 179.547 21,4 REPUBLIC OF CYPRUS, STATISTICAL SERVICE, 29/12/2011) VREVET @ 2015
Third Country Nationals Ways of Entrance VREVET @ 2015
Cyprus Education System The Ministry of Education and Culture (MoEC) denotes responsibility for educational policy and development of Greek-Cypriot schools as well as the private schools (MoEC, 2014). MoEC is accountable for the development of educational policy, implementation of educational rulings and the preparation of educational bills. The educational system of Cyprus is divided into three levels: Primary Education, Secondary Education and Tertiary Education.
Cyprus Education System Primary education lasts six years and is attended by children aged 6 years old and above. The most significant aim is the balanced development of the students’ personality. Secondary education, public and private, prepares students for either academic and/or professional life Primarily focus is given on the development of healthy and moral personalities and the creation of able, democratic and law abiding citizens. Public Secondary Education provides two cycles of education (each of three years) – Gymnasium, which completes the nine year compulsory education, and Lyceum
Panorama of Cyprus Education system
Educational rights and obligations Children under the age of 18 years have the right to study in public educational institutions irrespective of their residence status, their nationality, and/or their parents origin or legal status. By law, parents are obligated to register their children at a school within their educational district, independently of whether they legally reside in Cyprus or not. The policies and regulations of schools apply equally to all students. Public primary and secondary education is free for all students and the language of instruction is Greek. The aim of education is the creation of a democratically organised school system which highlights the individuality and the multicultural nature of our society as an element for composition, celebration and creativity as well as an opportunity for mutual understanding and mutual respect.
Cyprus Reality: something is NOT working High percentage of early drop rate (from primary level) Language barrier - children cannot actively participate to the primary and/or secondary educational system They are accepted as ‘observers’. Tertiary education: Entrance to Public universities through Pancyprian exams in GREEK language (proficiency level). Entrance to Private Universities (selection of Greek or English Language teaching courses) – who is going to pay the fees? Lack of education inclusive strategy for migrants Lack of systematic scholarship system
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Contact details Questions, ideas, comments ... are welcome ! Dr. Stefanos Spaneas Assistant Professor of Social Work Social Work Programme Department of Social Sciences University of Nicosia Tel.: +357 22 842 251