Teacher Education at KFU: our response to current challenges Rector of KFU Corresponding member of RAE Professor Ilshat Rafkatovich Gafurov
Teacher Education Evolution in Russia XXI century Today’s challenges 50-70 XX century Postwar economic recovery Our mission is to prepare highly qualified teachers equipped to serve today’s society. Global challenges in Teacher Education: The shifting role of a teacher (going from ‘instructor’ to ‘facilitator’) Changing public needs and expectations Transforming students 20-30 XX century Illiteracy eradication, cultural revolution 60-90 XIX century Capitalism development in Russia LOCAL FACTORS NATIONAL PROCESSES GLOBAL TRENDS
Russian challenges Making the teaching profession more accessible, developing various pathways for entering teaching; Attracting the brightest candidates to the teaching profession; Developing and disseminating the most effective teaching practices (transferring the best ones from universities to schools and vice versa); Making education more practice-orientated; Fostering deeper subject knowledge among teachers; Ensuring strong psycho-pedagogical knowledge necessary to accommodate children with various needs; Preparing teachers to be effective in different contexts; Providing knowledge necessary to promote children’s socialization and personal development. Developing the multicultural competence of teachers; Attracting more bright and enthusiastic people with non-pedagogical education and retraining them; Offering new incentives for teachers to ensure their stay in the profession.
Regional challenges Preparing teachers to teach in the languages of ethnic minorities (Tatar, Chuvash, Udmurt, etc.). Educating teachers to be multidisciplinary specialists (in order to effectively serve small rural schools).
Teacher Education Modernization KFU 3 KFU 1 with 12 partners with 15 partners 20 projects 7 projects 45 Contributors 120 Contributors THE MAIN OBJECTIVE OF THE TEACHER EDUCATION MODERNIZATION INITIATIVE IN RUSSIA: To change the ways teacher education is organized ensuring the realization of the new teacher standard along with the new federal education standards (developing practical competencies of teachers, improving the qualifications of early education and primary school teachers, developing new trajectories for career and professional development, preparing new educational leaders).
Kazan Federal University Potential Is one of the biggest teacher education centers in Russia Is the only classical university with such a high percentage of teacher education programmes Has extremely high quality of incoming students (one of the highest in the country in the field of education and pedagogical scholarship) Prepares teachers for all school subjects Offers educational programmes in the area of education for all levels Elabuga State Pedagogical University Tatar State Humanitarian Pedagogical University Kazan State University
University Priorities StrAU “Astrochallenge” StrAU “Translational medicine” StrAU “Ecooil” StrAU “Teacher XXI” Entering QS World University Ranking (2017) ‘Education’ (#251-300) ‘Linguistics’ (#101-150) ‘English language and literature’ (#251-300)
StrAU ‘Teacher XXI’ Total budget 600 mln. RUB 7% 16,5% 7,1% 2 7,5% 17% 5 950 mln. RUB 8% 18% 9 1327 mln. RUB 10% 20% 9% 19 Postgraduate students Students International students International programmes
The role of fundamental science in teacher education Institute of fundamental medicine and biology Institute of Physics Institute of Chemistry UNIVERSITY FACILITIES ARE EQUIPPED WITH: State-of-art science laboratories and educational equipment necessary for ensuring fundamental subject education of teachers (in the field of physics, biology, medicine, engineering, IT, etc. ).
School teacher ideology SUBJECT KNOWLEDGE PSYCHO-PEDAGOGICAL KNOWLEDGE METHODOLOGICAL KNOWLEDGE Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication Institute of Management, Economics and Finance Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology Institute of Physics Institute of Chemistry Institute of International Relations, History and Oriental Studies Institute of Computational Mathematics and Information Technologies Institute of Psychology and Education Center for Practical Competencies Center for Advanced Training and Retraining of Educators PRACTICE-ORIENTATED EDUCATION
Center for Practical Competencies Early (pre-school) and primary school education HERE WE USE: Interactive simulation-based and information technologies, creative teacher workshops (music, art, choreography sessions), the gamification of educational processes, personal development assessment methods, etc.
Center for Practical Competencies Model school classrooms and physics laboratories Digital demonstrational laboratories for basic and advanced levels of education offered in comprehensive schools, demonstrational equipment, research laboratory-based and practice-based works focused on mechanics, optics, electricity, magnetism, thermodynamics, student assessment packs, etc. (developed by the German company LDidactic and by Russian research centers).
Center for Practical Competencies Model school classrooms and chemistry laboratories The first package (for basic and specialized levels) consists of general and specialized chemistry equipment for demonstrations and student research laboratory-based activities (basic chemistry equipment, a micro-lab, digital laboratories, educational materials packages). The second package (for the advanced level and for project-based student works) consists of spectrophotometers, conductometers, polarimeters, refractometer, pH tester, an electronic burette, batchmeters, centrifuge, drying chamber, etc.
Teacher Education Models Traditional Model Distributed Model Integrative Model Strengthening personnel, technological and informational potential through employing the resources of the head university and encouraging academic mobility. Benefiting from all the opportunities of both a classical university (fundamental subject preparation) and a pedagogical university (psycho-pedagogical and methodological preparation). Offering a range of pathways to enter the teaching profession (including for the people with non-pedagogical university education) as well as providing opportunities for continuing professional teacher development.
The Model of Pedagogical Master’s Degree Education Institute of Physics Bachelors Institute of Psychology and Education ----- The Center for Pedagogical Master’s Degree Programmes Higher education Educators Institute of Chemistry Bachelors Educators Specialized KFU-affiliated schools Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics Bachelors Educators Bachelors Lyceums Other universities THE ADVANTAGES OF A UNIFIED TEACHER EDUCATION SYSTEM BASED AT A BIG UNIVERSITY: Continuity, differentiation, various opportunities, multiple levels of preparation, specialization.
Various educational trajectories in teacher education 1. Traditional pedagogical Bachelor programmes 2. Changing one’s specialization in higher education 3. Parallel pedagogical higher education 4. Extended pedagogical education 5. Pedagogical Master’s degree programmes 240 credits 109 credits Non-pedagogical specializations Pedagogical specializations 4 5 6 1 2 3 1 вариант 2 вариант 240 credits 120 з.е Non-pedagogical and pedagogical specializations Master’s programmes 4 5 6 1 2 3 240 credits 120 credits 4 1 2 3 Non-pedagogical specializations Pedagogical specializations Pedagogical specializations 240 credits 4 1 2 3 120 credits 4 1 2 3 Bachelor programmes Pedagogical specializations
Practice-orientated learning IT Lyceum (boarding school) Lobachevsky Lyceum (physico-mathematical orientation) KFU owns two schools for gifted children. Education in these schools (lyceums) is closely connected with KFU: schoolchildren study at laboratories of specialized university institutes; internships for student teachers are organized at these lyceums.
Teacher Education Infrastructure KFU-affiliated preschools and schools Elabuga Festival of Teachers Centers of extended education The department of pre-university education KFU Museums Planetarium Subject Summer Schools Centre of Early Development Collaboration with 15 Russian Universities International comparative research Children’s University Small University Centre For Professional Development and Retraining of Educators + IT Lyceum Lobachevsky Lyceum Distributed TE Model Traditional Integrative Center of School Laboratories (Creative teacher workshops) Russian Academy of Education (regional branch)
Education, development and socialization of children Children’s University Small University Student teachers are educated to foster the personal development of children. KFU offers teacher education programmes with the following specializations: social pedagogics, educational psychology, extended education, clinical psychology, counseling, et. KFU has a system of educational, developmental, social and cultural projects for children of all age groups.
Effective Teacher Education Medicine and biology IT Law Philosophy Russian Academy of Education
Local initiatives TEACHER EDUCATION COORDINATION COUNCIL: Organizing target acceptance for studies Preparing teachers for ethnic schools School children’s assessment Organizing collaborative projects for secondary and professional education (vocational and higher education) Monitoring education effectiveness Improving the systems of continuing and extended education Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Tatarstan Branch) Kazan Federal University
“If a teacher has only love for the cause, it will be a good teacher “If a teacher has only love for the cause, it will be a good teacher. If a teacher has only love for student, as a father, mother, he will be better than the teacher, who read all the books, but has no love for the cause, nor to the students. If the teacher combines love to the cause and to his disciples, he is the perfect teacher.” Leo Tolstoy
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