Grade: 4 Content Area: Science Physical Science Jumpstart Activities Grade: 4 Content Area: Science Physical Science Resources from and
Resources from and 1. Determine linear, volume, and weight/mass measurements by using both metric system and U.S. system units to compare the results (PS-E-A2) DOK Level 2-3 Multiple Choice Answer: D Mass is usually measured in units called grams Constructed Response: The water will evaporate. Constructed Response: If you leave a half-filled glass of lemonade on a table for one week, what might happen to the water in the lemonade? Resources from and
Resources from and 2. Determine linear, volume, and weight/mass measurements by using both metric system and U.S. system units to compare the results (PS-E-A2) DOK Level 2-3 Multiple Choice Answer: A Density is the amount of matter in a given space. Constructed Response: Constructed Response: In your own words, explain what a physical change is and give at least two examples of a physical change. Resources from and
Resources from and Describe various methods to separate mixtures (e.g., evaporation, condensation, filtration, magnetism) (PS-E-A5) 3. Eliza mixes a small amount of soil containing sand and clay into a beaker of water. Then she pours the mixture through a coffee filter. Which statement describes what will most likely result from this investigation? DOK Level 2-3 Multiple Choice Answer: A Constructed Response: The plastic turns from a solid to liquid. Constructed Response: Study the diagram to the left. Write a sentence in the blank box describing what would happen next. Resources from and
Resources from and Illustrate how heating/cooling affects the motion of small particles in different phases of matter (PS-E-A4) 4. Jackson added drops of food coloring to a glass of hot water and a glass of cold water at the same time. The food coloring spread through the hot water faster than it spread through the cold water. What does this investigation illustrate about matter? A. Water molecules move faster at warmer temperatures. B. Water molecules move faster at colder temperatures. C. Water is thicker and harder for food coloring to move through at warmer temperatures. D. Water is thicker and harder for food coloring to move through at colder temperatures. DOK Level 2-3 Multiple Choice Answer: A Resources from and
Resources from and 5. Illustrate how heating/cooling affects the motion of small particles in different phases of matter (PS-E-A4) Jon read these directions: To make an ice treat, pour fruit juice into paper cups with spoons in them. Put the cups in the freezer for five hours. How will the freezer change the movement of the particles in the fruit juice? A. The particles will move faster and move farther apart. B. The particles will slow down and vibrate in place. C. The particles will speed up and tumble over each other. D. The particles will spread far apart and then stop moving. DOK Level 2-3 Multiple Choice Answer: B Constructed Response: The molecules move faster when energy is added to the water, causing some of them to escape as a gas. Constructed Response: What is the best explanation of why heating causes water to boil? Resources from and
Resources from and Describe various methods to separate mixtures (e.g., evaporation, condensation, filtration, magnetism) (PS-E-A5) 6. DOK Level 2-3 Multiple Choice Answer: B Evaporation is a slow change of a liquid to a gas without boiling. Constructed Response: Place the mixture in an open container in sunlight for a long time. Constructed Response: Logan dissolves salt in water. How can he separate the mixture and have salt crystals again? Resources from and
Resources from and 7. Compare the rates at which sound travels through solids, liquids, and gases (PS-E-C1) The table shows the speed of sound traveling through different materials. Based on the information in the table, which statement is correct? A. Sound travels faster through liquids than solids. B. Sound travels slower through gases than liquids. C. Sound travels slowest through man-made materials. D. Sound travels fastest through gases. DOK Level 2-3 Answer: B Resources from and
Resources from and 8. Describe how light bends or refracts when traveling through various materials (e.g., pencil in a glass of water) (PS-E-C2) Shayla put a spoon in a cup of hot water. What causes the spoon to appear to be broken? A. Hot water absorbs light energy as the light passes through. B. The metal in the spoon reflects light in all directions. C. Light bends as it travels from air to water and back. D. Metal is a better conductor than water. DOK Level 2-3 Answer: C Resources from and
Resources from and Diagram what happens to white light as it passes through a prism (PS-E-C2) 9. Noah is making a picture that shows how a prism turns white light into a rainbow. Which label would best complete the picture in place of the question mark? A. Different colors of light bend at different angles. B. Different colors of light are attracted to different parts of the glass. C. The prism sorts the light by color. D. The prism changes the white light into many colors of light. DOK Level 2-3 Multiple Choice Answer: A Resources from and
Resources from and 10. Give examples of ways heat can be produced by conversion from other sources of energy (PS-E-C3) Yolanda and Rick make a solar marshmallow roaster. They put it on the playground on a sunny afternoon to see how fast it can cook a marshmallow. Which energy transfer cooks the marshmallows? DOK Level 2-3 Multiple Choice Answer: D Resources from and
Resources from and 11. Test and classify materials as conductors and insulators of electricity (PS-E-C4) Faith sets up the investigation shown using a battery, lightbulb, wires, and a glass of salt water. Once she connects everything, she observes that the bulb is lit. Which conclusion should Faith make? A. Glass is an electrical insulator. B. Glass is an electrical conductor. C. Salt water is an electrical insulator. D. Salt water is an electrical conductor. DOK Level 2-3 Multiple Choice Answer: D Resources from and
Resources from and 12. Measure, record, and graph changes in position over time (e.g., speed of cars, ball rolling down inclined plane) (PS-E-B3) The graph shows the results of a 100-meter race. Which runner won the race? A. Denny B. Eric C. Sam D. Will DOK Level 2-3 Multiple Choice Answer: D Resources from and
Resources from and Measure, record, and graph changes in position over time (e.g., speed of cars, ball rolling down inclined plane) (PS-E-B3) 13. John made this graph using data from a trip he took in a car with his father. What does the graph show about how the car was moving? A. The car was slowing down. B. The car was speeding up. C. The car was driving around a curve. D. The car was driving up a hill DOK Level 2-3 Multiple Choice Answer: B Constructed Response Answer: Resources from and
Resources from and 14. Measure, record, and graph changes in position over time (e.g., speed of cars, ball rolling down inclined plane) (PS-E-B3) Mike takes a long bike ride every Saturday. On which date in April did he ride the fastest? A. April 3 B. April 10 C. April 17 D. April 24 DOK Level 2-3 Multiple Choice Answer: A Constructed Response Answer: Resources from and
Resources from and Explain the relationship between volume (amplitude) of sound and energy required to produce the sound (PS-E-C1) 15. Nina cut and flattened the end of a drinking straw to make a musical instrument. It makes a sound like an oboe. What should Nina do to make the instrument play a louder sound? Answer: Blow harder through the straw. Resources from and
Resources from and Explain the relationship between volume (amplitude) of sound and energy required to produce the sound (PS-E-C1) 16. Ornella stretches plastic wrap over the end of a large empty can and fastens it with a rubber band. She puts a few grains of rice on top. She strikes a tuning fork and holds it to the side of the can. The rice starts bouncing up and down. Describe how the sound affects the bouncing of the rice. DOK level 2-3 Answer: The greater the amplitude of the sound, the more the rice bounces. Resources from and