Parajiya Pattni Soni World Federation
Our Moto Supporting Our Community Together
COMMUNITY The word community joins two Latin words com ("together" or "with") and unus ("one"). A community, then, is both one and many. It is a unified multitude and not a mere group of people. As it is said in the Vedas: Man can live individually, but can survive only collectively. Hence, the challenge is to form a progressive community by balancing the interests of the individual and that of the society. To meet this, we need to develop a value system where people accept modest sacrifices for the common good.
Strategy The question lies on how to form the World Federation and the possible best structure Define the Region and identify/elect leaders and define their roles and responsibilities As an association what will be the function of the World Federation members and advantages to the Parajiya soni world wide. Who will be the member of World Federation and how will they represent ? What are our Internal Strengths and Weakness for sustainability of the world federation? What change do we want to see from the current system and how do we implement the change?
OBJECTIVES: What do we want to achieve? WORLD FEDERATION REGIONAL FEDERATION INSTITUTES Trustees / Committee Members
Organisation Target World Federation Regional Federation Institute Members
Our short term Vision – Create Network Let’s look on how to form this for better tomorrow and effective management and communication from sector members.
Migrations / History
Possible International Regions U.A.E U.K. S.A. EAST AFRICA India
Regional Structure- India Please NOTE this are suggestion ONLY you may redefine the regions as Fit Best
Direct and Centralize Communication and coordination between member Institutes
Recent History Aug-2010 Nairobi Dec-2011 Dwarka Aug-2013 Nairobi Nairobi , Mumbai & Rajkot Delegation meet at Nairobi and discuss about the Unity of our Institutes and Concept of World Federation Follow up meeting was done with various institutes in India Dec-2011 Dwarka The first ever major Meet of community leaders includes all Institute of India and many overseas guest Had discuss the Unity / Education / Health & World Federation at large Aug-2013 Nairobi The follow up and way forward to carry on the process of formation of World Federation and Strengthen the Unity…….
Strength & Weaknesses POSITIVES NEGATIVES We had first ever successful world federation and gathering at Dwarka in Dec 2011 We had come out with many interactive ideas but fail to conclude INTERNAL FACTORS We have now better communication and harmony between all institutes/Members world wide We have to take action in right direction with positive thoughts before the event is taken over by negative mind EXTERNAL FACTORS
Time for action Last December what was the outcome of the meet? Phase2 - How Phase 3 - When Phase 1- What Last December what was the outcome of the meet? What are the improvements can be done? How do we improve and manage? When do we next implement what we planned?
How to Restructure and Implement Implementation Regular meetings and communication Formation of Regional Federation Implement Review Propose Propose Advisory Committee Propose the acceptable and sustainable structure of World Federation Review Review of the Establish Structure and implement step by step (Region by Region)
Role of Media / Institute / Individual Media / Publication Update the activities and Progress of Institutes & Community at Large Co-Ordination / Sharing of Information Institutes Represent and Organise Social Functions/ Gathering Serve the Members at Root level Members Moral & Financial Support , Participate And Take Active Role in Community Activities
Redefine way forward and move on....... Ethics Team Work Transparency/ Accountability Support Finance Planning Create Culture Benefits Benefits
Let Ideas pop out – with the team work