CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY- APPLYING ISO26000 STANDARD Grazyna OSullivan International Project Week 2012
Structure 1 Role-play 2 Relationship between an organization, its stakeholders and society 3 Definitions 4 SR Principles 5 Short film
2 Relationship between an organization, its stakeholders and society
Interdependence - A hospital depends for example on: - its staff - its patiences - its suppliers - local community Society expects high quality health services from hospitals
2 Definitions Who are stakeholders? A stakeholder has one or more interests that can be affected by the decisions and activities of an organization. This interest gives the party a stake in the organization that creates a relationship with the organization. This relationship need not be formal or even acknowledged by the stakeholder or the organization. Stakeholders can be referred to as interested parties. In determining which stakeholder interests to recognize, an organization should consider the lawfulness of those interests and their consistency with international norms of behaviour.
2 Definitions What is social responsibility of an organization? The essential characteristic of social responsibility is the willingness of an organization to incorporate social and environmental considerations in its decision making and be accountable for the impacts of its decisions and activities on society and the environment. This implies both transparent and ethical behaviour that contributes to sustainable development, is in complaince with applicable law and is consistent with international norms of behaviour. It also implies that social responsibility is integrated throughout the organization, is practised in its reletionships and takes into account the interests of stakeholder.
4 SR Principles 1. The principle is: an organization should be accountable for ist impacts on society, the economy and the enviroment 2. The principle is: an organization should be transparent in its decisions and activities that impact on society and the environment
4 SR Principles 3. The principle is: an organization should behave ethically 4. The principle is: an organization should respect, consider and respond to the interests of its stakeholders 5. The principle is: an organization should accept that respect for the rule of law is mandatory
4 SR Principles 6. The principle is: on organization should respect international norms of behaviour, while adhering to the principle of respect for the rule of law 7. The principle is: an organization should respect human rights and recognize both their importance and their universality
5 Short film eature=fvwrel eature=fvwrel
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