On notebook paper, demonstrate that you can effectively use series commas: The father went to the store to purchase milk cereal and spinach. How often how recent and how loudly does this argument occur? The bicyclists ventured beyond the woods into the parking lot and onto the sidewalk before riding into the building.
Theban Trilogy Notes Scaffolding of critical reading/ discussion What do I write down? Scaffolding of critical reading/ discussion You deem what is appropriate, notes AND discussion annotate your text! Critical for reading literature CLOSELY
Define it The word “tragedy” ( tragoidia) seems to mean, literally, “goat song.” FYI: a goat was awarded to the winning playwright. The subject matter did not have to be tragic in the modern sense Aristotle, writing in the 330’s B.C.E., said the plot of tragedy had to be serious- serious does not mean “sad.” Most of the plays do feature sad or disastrous events, which clearly explains the modern usage of the term. Presented as action, not narrative. Plot is the most important principle. It’s a drama. Tragedy celebrates courage and dignity in the face of defeat, portraying the grandeur of the human spirit.
Oedipus as Tragic Hero Aristotle in Bedford p. 1506 Refer to notes on summer reader directions Man or woman (preferably man), who is preeminent or better than average in some way. For the proper emotions of fear and pity to be aroused, protagonist must not be excessively good or excessively evil.
Tragic hero characterics include... Protagonist must undergo a reversal of fortune or fall from his/her position of preeminence. The reversal of fortune must come about not through wickedness, but through hamartia: “mistake,” “error”
Tragic hero characterics include... He is high born Deinos- Greek word that means terrible, wonderful, strange He is respectable but also repellant He is a man of action- he is personally involved in everything
Aristotle in The Bedford… The reversal of fortune will be brought about by a peripeteia or an unexpected turn of events, and should include an anagnorisis, or recognition. Anagnorisis: the discovery or recognition that leads to the peripeteia or reversal. Peripeteia (Peripety): reversal; protagonist’s fortunes turn in an unexpected way. In tragedy, the protagonist’s fall.
Aristotle says... Pathos: “suffering” Aristotle cites deaths, pain, and woundings as examples of pathos. (Jocasta’s suicide; Oedipus’s self-blinding) Why do these events matter? The circumstances differ, but in each case, the main character is faced with a crisis in which disaster can only be averted by a compromise that, in the protagonist’s view, would constitute betrayal of something that he or she holds to be supremely important.
Apply Aristotle's traits to Oedipus. What do we see? The protagonist often refuses to compromise, despite being urged to do so by persuasive speeches, threats, actual violence, or all three. He wouldn’t listen to Tiresias He wouldn’t listen to Jocasta The Chorus warned him to not put himself before the gods, but... The end result is usually complete destruction. Is the same true for Creon? Antigone?
Justice How do we decide justice? How do we see justice? Antigone- individual vs. group moral vs. retribution How do we see justice? Antigone- was she always convinced of her beliefs? timing Creon- revolves around him Oedipus- listens, but impulsive and rash The play drew the Greek audience to reexamine their views.