It’s not just funny people… Types of Humor It’s not just funny people…
Parody A literary composition modelled on and imitating another work just to be funny Sometimes, parody can be used to make fun of something wrong.
Famous for Parody: Weird Al Yankovic Recorded song Al’s Parody Don’t Go Chasin’ Waterfalls Gansta’s Paradise Beat It Another One Bites the Dust Like a Virgin Don’t Go Makin’ Phony Calls Amish Paradise Eat It Another One Rides the Bus Like a Surgeon Mind Games Vs. Word Crimes:
Satire: You have a point there, son. Definition: the literary art of making fun to bring attention to certain follies, vices, and abuses, as well as to provoke change Satire: Laugh = Think
Satire Attacks Satire generally attacks two areas: Human folly (Characteristics) Contemporary Issues Remember, if you laugh or think “what…” the author has completed his/her mission
What is this picture about? How is it Satire?
Three types of Satire: 1. Horatian Satire Definition: What makes fun of? Satire which is gentle, tolerant, amused and witty. Typically ridicules universal human folly so readers might identify with what is being critiqued and laugh at themselves as well as at society
Type 2: Juvenalian satire Definition: Typically attacks: Bitter and biting. Formal More angry and abrasive, and uses strong irony and sarcasm Aimed at making change Actual people Politics (Political satire)
Third: Menippean satire Definition: Often makes fun of Menippean criticizes mental attitudes rather than societal norms or specific individuals. single-minded people, such as bigots, cheapskates, showoffs, and so on
Elements of Satire Irony Sarcasm Juxtaposition Analogy Parody Double entendre Underlying criticisms Understatement Wit Glaring idiocy Symbolism Shock value No official style or genre
Examples of Satire: OLDER! NEWER! Horace: Satires (Roman) Cervantes: Don Quixote (Spanish) Swift: Gulliver’s Travels (Irish) Huxley: Brave New World (English) Orwell: 1984, Animal Farm (English) South Park Spinal Tap The Onion Saturday Night Live The Simpsons and Futurama Howard Stern The Daily Show with Jon Stewart The Colbert Report