Location Southern part of Greece, in Peloponnesus Landlocked- cut off from rest of Greece As a result, developed differently than rest of Greece Created a military state
Why did Sparta become a military state? Sparta conquered the Messeniansforced them to become helots Helots: peasants forced to stay on the land they worked Messenians disliked harsh Spartan rulerevolted Messenians almost defeated the Spartans Spartans determined to be a strong military state
*voted on major issues/laws Government Spartan Government: Assembly: *all citizens *voted on major issues/laws Council of Elders: *30 older citizens *proposed laws 5 Elected Officials: *Enforced laws 2 Kings: *ruled military
Society Included three groups: 1st: Citizens- original inhabitants of the area 2nd: free, noncitizens; worked in trade or industry 3rd: helots; worked in the fields or as house servants; little better than slaves
Values Valued duty, strength and discipline instead of beauty, individuality and learning Did not focus on art, literature or individual expression Had most powerful army in Greece from 600-371 B.C.E.
Men and women Served in the army until age 60 Lived in army barracks from age 7 Military training and survival Ran household Received some military training Had considerable freedom, even compared to democratic Athens
Persian wars Greeks vs. Persians
Causes of the Persian wars 546 B.C.E.: Persians conquered Ionia Greeks revolt in Ionia Athens sent ships and soldiers to Ionia to help Persians crushed Greek revolt; vowed to destroy Athens
Military technology and tactics Shift from bronze to iron weaponsmade it possible for ordinary citizens to arm themselves Hoplites: foot soldiers who stood side by side, with a spear in one hand and a shield in the other This formation was called a phalanx
Battle of Marathon 490 B.C. 25,000 Persians against 10,000 Athenians on plains of Marathon Better soldiers, the Greeks defeated the Persians Pheidippides runs to warn Athens Origin of modern marathon!
Battle of Thermopylae Xerxes, in 480 B.C. Persians arrive by land & sea Greeks head them off at narrow mountain pass, 300 Spartans hold them at bay
Battle of Salamis Themistocles, decides it is best to evacuate the city of Athens Engage Persia at sea Persian fleet is destroyed in narrow channel a few miles southwest of Athens
Results of Persian Wars Greece feels huge sense of confidence! Delian League was created to unite the 200 city-states of Greece… Athens becomes leader Athens grows in strength and creates a small empire Athens enters a Golden Age of political and cultural growth