Autentication & Umbrella What is going on at the ILL ? Mid term expectation Longer term view
Ongoing authentication Activities @ ILL Introduction of Kerberos for unix account management. Requested by the introduction of the data policy Needed to secure internal NFS access to data Ongoing, infrastructure setup, deadline Oct 2012 Unification of users’ account From applications’ local account management to central directory. Merge with EMBL outstation and IBS (EPN-Campus) Done.
PANDATA - CRISP Software catalogue ICAT – TopCat The prototype is ready Currently only local authentication Still need to integrate the Umbrella Auth, asap ICAT – TopCat Few Months will be dedicated to ICAT 4.1 migration Need for production by winter.
Mid term expectations No real time constraints for the ILL Could integrate the Umbrella Auth when ready for production. Needs are perfectly summarized in HJ/Bjorn documents Reliability Security review and management Agreements and user license We could also add, look & feel clean up. Email sent for registration First page not clear
Mid term expectations No mid term needs other than Authentication Please start the rollout with the services offered by current project (CRISP 1-3 credentials, PANDATA 1-4, Harmonization 1 …) Don’t mix with too many services that won’t be really used. KIS! Email sent for registration First page not clear
Longer term Affiliation: user declaration vs Institute assertion ? Extension to non web application (i.e. local authentication) ? More services: i.e cover the Data Continuum needs (publishers access, publication repository, …)