Summary document Forward Look Forum Strategy: Dieter Ackermann, Emmanuel Balanzat, Bertram Blank (chair), Yorick Blumenfeld, Wilton Catford, Thomas Duguet, Francesca Gulminelli, Wolfram Korten, Gerda Neyens, Nigel Orr, Olivier Sorlin, Cristina Volpe Other contributors: N. Alahari, D. Beaumel, M. Bender, R. Bougault, P. Butler, F. de Oliveira, M. Freer, H. Goutte, E. Khan, V. Lapoux, J. Margueron, M. Marques, F. Rejmund, C. Simenel, C. Trautmann, D. Vernhet “…will look across the range of beams and facilities and provide a perspective on future requirements, taking into account other facilities that will be available world-wide.” Strategy: physics topics of interest needs for GANIL comparison of different labs strength of GANIL Summary document
Subjects covered: Collective modes Nuclear shapes Pairing and alpha correlations in nuclei Nuclear structure far from stability Nuclear astrophysics Nuclear reactions Nuclear dynamics and thermodynamics Fundamental interactions Interdisciplinary research Physics case, key observables, sample experiment, GANIL equipment and needs, beams etc. For some selected cases: comparison with other major facilities
Comparison of stable or radioactive beam intensities fragmentation beams: GANIL, GSI, MSU, RIKEN, FAIR beams between 20Ne and 238U low-energy stable beams: GANIL, ANL, GSI, FLNR, JYFL, LNL, RIKEN beams between 18O or 48Ca and 238U accelerated ISOL beams: SPIRAL, Louvain-la-Neuve, HRIBF, ISAC, REX-ISOLDE, LNS list of all beams accelerated to date
Title: Systematics of K isomers and bandheads of excited rotational bands Physics case: one-quasiparticle, two-quasiparticle, and multi-quasiparticle K isomers in odd-A and even-even nuclei, and the rotational structures build on top of them, provide unique information on the underlying shell structure and its coupling to deformation and pairing degrees of freedom that is complementary to the analysis of purely collective states. Key observables: excitation energies, lifetimes, multipolarity of g transitions, spectroscopic quadrupole moments, magnetic moments, charge radii, transition moments and moments of inertia in the rotational bands. Sample experiment: Z=104, 106, 178Hf and other hafnium isotopes, tungsten GANIL facility: Wien filter of LISE3, VAMOS gas-filled, EXOGAM2, AGATA, S3 in the future 94Kr + 164Dy -> 258No at 5 MeV/A,
Other facilities: a) GSI: 54Cr is available, 50Ti is subject of source development and is planned to be available with the UNILAC upgrade – both at intensities around and above 1 particle A. The separators TASCA and SHIP together with the particle and detectors already in place and to be upgraded are prepared for this type of experiments. The radioactive 94Kr is not available at low energies and for SHIP and TASCA. b) JYFL: 50Ti is available at moderate intensities (100 particle nA). 54Cr should also be feasible. The separator RITU together with the particle and detectors already in place is prepared for this type of experiments. At JYFL radioactive beam species are not available. c) ANL: 50Ti is available at moderate intensities (20 particle nA). The mass spectrometer FMA together with the particle and detectors already in place is prepared for this type of experiments. At ANL radioactive beam species are not available. d) HIE-ISOLDE: For the study of isomers in the Z~72, N~106 region ISOLDE can prepare metastable beams selected using laser ionisation. The rotational bands built upon the isomeric state can then be Coulomb excited. Similar studies have been carried out for isomers in odd Cu nuclei using REX-ISOLDE. Comparison Conclusions: For the stable beam part GSI, Jyväskylä and Argonne are competitive, with the drawback of low beam intensities for JYFL and ANL. For the radioactive 94Kr GANIL is unique. Stable beam induced experiments of this type can ideally be performed at the planned S3 separator. However, to take profit of the intense radioactive beams from SPIRAL1 and SPIRAL2, a Zero-degree spectrometer is necessary. This could either be the velocity filter of LISE3, VAMOS in gas-filled mode or a new Zero-degree spectrometer.
Title: Radiobiology and radiation chemistry Scientific case: Radiobiology studies ion-induced modification of biological matter and has strong relevance for heavy-ion tumor therapy. Radiation chemistry aims at understanding water radiolysis with special focus on the heterogeneous chemical kinetics induced by high LET particles in liquids. An important issue is the comparison of experimental results with Monte Carlo codes. Key observables: Radiobiology: single and double strand breaks, base modifications, cell survival, chromosome aberrations Radiation chemistry: time evolution of radical and molecular species Typical experiments: In radiobiology biological matter (e.g., plasmids, DNA, cells, tissues, animals) are exposed to high LET beams with subsequent off-line analysis e.g. of the RBE via survival studies. In radiation chemistry, irradiation experiments are performed with liquid targets (water) using pulsed beams in combination with on-line ns-resolved optical spectroscopy. GANIL facility: CSS2 Specific dosimetry (radiobiology) and in combination with pulse suppressor (radiation chemistry)
Facility comparison: low-energy laboratories ==> GANIL compares reasonably well with most other facilities
Facility comparison: high-energy laboratories ==> GANIL is perfect for primary beam intensities, except for heaviest beams
Production rates of exotic nuclei existing facilities: … roughly OK new facilities: … tough!!! However: production rates alone is not all… physics… low-energy fragmentation intensities will always be lower!
Facility comparison: Accelerated RIBs Variety of beams compared to REX-ISOLDE or HRIBF….
Conclusions: in many respects GANIL is state-of-the-art facility possibilities significantly enhanced with advent of LINAG and SPIRAL2 GANIL has many state-of-the-art detectors: EXOGAM, MUST, INDRA, TIARRA, MAYA new detectors like GASPARD, PARIS, FAZIA, ACTAR, AGATA will improve potential GANIL very well positioned in field of “swift heavy ions” very good place in “nuclear materials” and “pulsed radiolysis” However: SPIRAL1 has to provide more beams (to go into LIRAT → DESIR) solution for 0° separator: LISE Wien Filter? VAMOS gas filled? New? fragmentation will keep niche due to GANIL energy, but in future intensity problems when compared with new and upcoming facilities spectrometer behind LISE should be considered higher beam intensities for the heaviest nuclei for interdisciplinary research: maintain the large variety of beams/energies equip SME beam line with an analysing magnet beyond 2015: post-acceleration to 100-150 MeV/A for fission fragments (and stable beams)