Proteomic, Metabolomic and Lipidomic Research Capability at ICH and ION UCL Metabolomics
UCL Same principle as the proteomic mass spectral method Proteomic, Metabolomic and Lipidomic Research Capability at ICH and ION UCL Same principle as the proteomic mass spectral method Urine/plasma/CSF injected into a UPLC QTOF mass spectrometer metabolites separated by chromatography Masses of metabolites are ‘weighed’ with very high mass accuracy and then their empirical formula determined from this mass PCA / MVA performed to identify compounds differentially expressed (up/down) Masses are manually searched against on-line databases, potential identities narrowed down by analysis of fragmentation spectra
UCL Metabolomic analyses of CSF from PD & controls Proteomic, Metabolomic and Lipidomic Research Capability at ICH and ION UCL Metabolomic analyses of CSF from PD & controls Metabolomic analyses of CSF from LBD & controls Metabolomic analyses of CSF from LBD & PD