Syllabus test
Men vs Women teams
Where do you go to get all the class information? What do you need to bring to the exams? You had a bad night before the exam. What can you do?
What do you need to do before each class? Type up the exam concepts. What can you use to complete the exam concepts? How do you receive credit for this?
How can you make up the preparation credit? Read an article in one of the academic journals listed.
How do you avoid losing credit for all your exam concepts? Copy them and back them up
Jim is failing the class, and asks for an “NC” grade on Feb. 23rd. Does he get an “NC” or a decimal grade? Decimal grade
Twee has always been a nice, quiet student, and has a total of 224 points, and says she will lose her job at NSCC and be deported if she does not get a 2.0 grade. What grade does she get? 1.9
Jim is a jerk, and is always disrupting the class Jim is a jerk, and is always disrupting the class. I personally do not like him. However, he has a total of 296 points. What grade will he get? 4.0
Willard emails me after the class is over, and says,” I added up my grades, and found I only have 189 points. I need a much higher grade to continue my higher education at NSCC, and stay on the basketball team.” What grade does he get? 0.9
Mary had all 10 of her exam concepts in her folder when she handed it in on March 14th. What is the best grade she could get? 20 points. Why?