Testimonial Where a (well-known) person endorses a product, promoting the product/situation personally.
LOCH NESS MONSTER Dr. Robert Kenneth Wilson, a London physician, allegedly photographed a plesiosaur-like beast with a long neck emerging out of the murky waters. “Mid-summer, June 1965. I, along with a friend, was on the south shore of Loch Ness, fishing for brown trout, looking almost directly into Urquhart Bay, when I saw something break the surface of the water. I glanced there, and I saw it, and then it wasn't there, it had disappeared. But while watching, keeping an eye, and fishing gently, I saw an object surface. It was a large, black object—a whale-like object, going from infinity up, and came round onto a block end—and it submerged, to reappear a matter of seconds later” -Ian Cameron, a retired superintendent of the Northern Police Force