Homework English Abril 25-29 2016
1° Miss Silvia Chinolla Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Write 5 letters for each words .. Ue, ui,ew Buscar y escribir 5 palabras que contengan uno de los siguientes fonemas , ue,ui,ew) No class Draw a picture in a blank sheet of yourself as a cowboy, remember to draw your horse to. Don´t forget to put your horse´s name below the picture! This will be a hang over homework! Use your imagination! Dibujate a ti mismo en una hoja de maquina como si fueras un Vaquero. Recuerda que debes dibujar tambien tu caballo. No se te olvide poner debajo del caballo el nombre que hayas elegido para el, asi como tambien tu nombre. Este trabajo sera para entregar. Usa tu imaginacion! Unit review test! Study the guide the teacher gave you. Study hard!! Examen de repaso de unidad. Estudia la guia que la maestra te dio en clase. Estudia duro!
2° Miss Silvia Chinolla Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Draw or paste pictures of the next vocabulary words. Ground Air Animals Ocelot River Ecosystem More Dibuja o pega dibujos de las siguientes palabras de vocabulario. No class Write 5 letters for each words .. Ou,Ow Buscar y escribir 5 palabras que contengan uno de los siguientes fonemas , Ou,Ow) Cut and paste pictures on your notebook of animals and plants in South Texas. Put it´s name below the picture. You can look on internet by searching “ south texas animals” “ South Texas plants” Corta y pega imágenes en tu cuaderno de animales y plantas que habitan en el sur de Texas. Coloca sus nombres debajo de la imagen. Busquen las imágenes como en internet
3° Mr. Eulises Farfan Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Complete the following sentences using the following words: bat – roll - sink I took my ___ to play baseball. I drew a _____ in my scary picture. She wants to ____ the clay into a ball. We each baked a ___ You can stack the dirty dishes in the ____ The boat started to ____ No homework Write the meaning of the unknown words from the reading. Complete the Venn diagram to compare and contrast: Doing schoolwork and doing chores. Write a sentence with the following words: broke, drove, found, flew, knew, and took. Look up the definition from the following key words: Costume, robe, painting, teepee, mask, quilt Find five words with soft C and five words with hard C Answer the following questions: Complete the following questions: · What is your favorite object? · What does it look like? · What is your motther´s name? · Why do you like it? · What street do you live on? · Where were you born? · What country would you like to visit?
Mr. Eulises Farfan 4° Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday In the following list identify if the y has long e sound or long I sound. Cry - fly - sky - mommy - itchy - try - silly Windy - study No homework Write the meaning of the unknown words from the reading selection. Compare and contrast your house with a friend´s house.
5° Mr. Jesús Quiroga Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Work in the project you choose Children’s Day Festival Prepare a final copy of an article about a musician you choose Prepare question for a celebrity interview you like Practice reading a passage aloud, count the number of words read in one minute
6° Mr. Jesús Quiroga Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Look up the definitions of the following words. Armies, captured, gifted, nomads, tepees, reservation. Look up the definitions of the following words, then write one sentence with each word. Circumstances, construct, react, region ANSWER QUESTIONS BASED ON READING “BETWEEN TWO WORLDS” 1. How did Cynthia Parker become part of two worlds? 2. What work did the Comanche men do? 3. What work did the women do? 1. Why didn’t Quanah trust the armies? 2. Why did Quanah decide to surrender? 3. Do you think Quanah was courageous? Identify which sentence is active voice and which is passive voice. The document was signed by everyone. ______ Mice eat cheese. _________ Seeds are eaten by birds. ________ The flowers were grown by our neighbors. _______