Right Conduct Appreciation SPIRITUAL PRINCIPLE: To value others and their work highly QUOTE: “This is the attitude to show toward those who are better off than you. Feel happy when you see such persons. Appreciation means freedom from envy and feeling happy over the better fortunes of others.” – Sanathana Sarathi 7/89, 179
Right Conduct Appreciation PRAYER : St. Francis Prayer “O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek To be consoled as to console To be understood as to understand To be loved as to love For it is in giving that we receive And it is in pardoning that we are pardoned And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life Then miracle shall follow miracle And wonders shall never cease.”
Right Conduct Appreciation Affirmation : I will always appreciate others for what they do. Silent Sitting: All students are requested to sit in a comfortable position. Keep your hands on the table or your lap. Do deep breathing. Breath in……breathe out…..Breathe in …… breathe out…….
Right Conduct Appreciation SONG: Every moment of my life please be with me In every single act of mine be thou my guide Baba Sai Baba When I slip when I fall lend me a hand When I stray far away bring me back again From the darkness into the light lead me, Father From the unreal into the real Baba Sai Baba (2)
Right Conduct Appreciation Story from Shirdi Sai Baba's Life: One day at noon, Baba came near Radha-Krishna-Mai's house and said - "Bring Me a ladder." Some men brought it and set it against a house as directed by Baba. He climbed up on the roof of Vaman Gondkar's house, passed the roof of Radha-Krishna-Mai's house and then got down from the other corner. What object Baba had, none could know. Radha-Krishna-Mai was, at that time, shivering with Malaria. It may be to drive off that fever, that He may have gone there. Immediately after getting down, Baba paid Rupees two to the persons who brought the ladder. Somebody asked Baba, why he paid so much for this. He replied that nobody should take the labour of others, in vain. The worker should be paid, his dues promptly and liberally.
Right Conduct Appreciation QUESTIONS: Why did Shirdi Baba pay so much money to the person who got the ladder? How would you treat someone or appreciate someone for their good act? What is the advantage of being appreciative? How would you react if someone you know is doing better than you?
Right Conduct Appreciation GROUP ACTIVITY: Play about Thanksgiving Narrator – This is the story of the very first Thanksgiving. The Pilgrims have just come over on the Mayflower from England. The year was 1620. The place was, Massachusetts in the New World they called America. Pilgrim #1 – Thank goodness we have finally landed in the New World. Our boat ride from England was long and hard. Pilgrim #2 – It is cold here. I am not used to so much snow in the winter. Pilgrim #3 – Neither am I. Maybe there are other people around here who can help us. Native American #1 – Welcome to the New World. I am Squanto. Native American #2 – I am Massasoit. I am chief of my tribe.
Right Conduct Appreciation Pilgrim #4 – Welcome. We are Pilgrims who have just come here from England. We are cold and hungry and our food supply has run low. Native American #3 – Do not worry. We will show you how to catch fish in the streams. Native American #1 – And we will show you how to plant corn, pumpkins, and beans. Pilgrim #1 – You are very kind. And we will share some of our food with you. Native Americans – That is very good of you. Narrator - Squanto, Massasoit, and the other members of their tribe taught the Pilgrims how to survive in the New World. And the Pilgrims helped the Indians in return. When the first harvest came in the fall of 1621, the Pilgrims made a special feast to share with the Native Americans in appreciation what they have taught them. That is the story of the very first Thanksgiving.
Right Conduct Appreciation ARTS AND CRAFTS (related to Thanksgiving): Thankful Paper Chain This is similar to a regular paper chain – where you cut strips of paper and connect them together as loops, but there’s one difference. You write on the strips of paper before you connect them. Write the things you are thankful for. For instance, “Grandma plays games with me” or “My teacher is nice.” The fun part of this activity is to make the chain as long as possible – showing all your blessings. Thanksgiving Tree Get each child to trace their hand on yellow, red, or brown construction paper. Cut out the hand shapes and write (or have the child write) what they are thankful for on the hand shape. Cut a tree trunk shape out of brown construction paper. Glue it on a large piece of poster board. Let the kids add their hand shapes as leaves above the tree trunk, turning it into a beautiful fall colored tree.
Right Conduct Appreciation LIFE APPLICATION: Show your appreciation at home to your parents and at school to your teachers and friends.