District Newsletter: Rotary Informer The Record of D7570
Rotary Informer The Record of D7570 Mission Statement To provide and distribute for Rotary District 7570 Rotarians a monthly record of club, district, and international activities related to Rotarians “doing good in the world.”
Rotary Informer The Record of D7570 Guidelines Newsletter will be published about the 15th of each month The rotary Informer will be distributed electronically in PDF format to all Rotarians in D7570 All articles and photographs should be sent via email to: RotaryInformer@gmail.com Articles should be submitted as unformatted MS Word documents or if you do not have access to MS Word, then as unformatted text documents (no tabs or space bar indentations)
Rotary Informer The Record of D7570 Guidelines Articles will not be edited for spelling and grammar please proof for us! Photographs should be submitted separately, i.e. not embedded within the text article The best articles will follow the 6 commandments all reporters follow by including: Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How The Rotary Informer will be an excellent source of materials for your club newsletter. Cutting and pasting articles will be a cinch just like last year. We can provide MS Word copies if you like.
Rotary Informer The Record of D7570 Guidelines The Rotary Informer provides a wonderful method of sharing ideas about: Club Projects Fund Raising – BEFORE AND AFTER! Special Events For more information, visit the district website at www.Rotary7570.org click on COMMITTEES, then NEWSLETTER. Or contact Barbara Newton at bjnewt@comcast.net Or RotaryInformer@gmail.com
Rotary Informer The Record of D7570 Guidelines Barbara WILL take dictation for those of you that are in a pinch She will be contacting you from time to time by phone and email IF she calls, do not try to avoid her! She will find you We ask for info so we can SHARE with your fellow Rotarians