Landmark Supreme Court Cases: (Insert Name of Case) (Insert group members names in ALPHABETICAL ORDER by last name.)
Background Information What is the case about? Where did it begin? What does the audience NEED to know?
How Did We Get Here? Beginning … Middle End
Taking Sides What were the opinions of each side? *You can draw a line to divide the slide in half for better organization.
Constitutional Issue How does this case relate to the Constitution?
Significance Why are we discussing it? How did it impact our country? What precedent did it set?
Supreme Court Decision Who was presiding? Who was chief justice at the time? What was the vote? Who voted which way?
Rationale Why did the Court vote the way it did? Majority opinion Dissenting opinion
What Do You Think? Write your opinion. Do you agree/disagree with the Court’s decision? Why or why not? *Make sure to write if people in your group disagree with each other. For example, person A agrees with the court but person B does not.