The English Alphabet 2 grade
Aa is for apple and ant
Bb is for bag and bee
Cc is for computer and cat.
Dd is for dog and desk.
Ee is for elephant and egg.
Ff is for frog and fox.
Gg is for giraffe and girl.
Hh is for house and hat.
Ii is for iron and ice cream.
Jj is jacket and juice.
Kk is for kangaroo and kite.
Ll is for lion and lemon.
Mm is for monkey and mouse.
Nn is for nose and nest.
Oo is for octopus and orange.
Pp is for parrot and pen.
Qq is for question and queen.
Rr is for rabbit and rose.
Ss is for sock and snake.
Tt is for table and turtle.
Uu is for umbrella.
Vv is for vase and van.
Ww is for window and watch.
Xx is for taxi and box.
Yy is for yellow and yo-yo.
Zz is for zebra and zoo.
Презентацията е изработена от: Анастасия Запрянова Моника Димитрова