Renaissance Scientists and Mathematicians
Nicolaus Copernicus Polish astronomer Founder of modern astronomy lawyer, tax collector, a doctor, military governor, judge, vicar-general of canon law and a Polish astronomer
Copernicus’s Accomplishments Said earth was not stationary Earth turned on its axis once a day Doubted the earth was at the middle of the universe Sun center of universe and all planets revolved around it http://www.history.com/shows/the-universe/videos/beyond-the-big-bang-sir-isaac-newtons-law-of-gravity#beyond-the-big-bang-copernicus
“I think, therefore I am” Rene Descartes “I think, therefore I am” Philosopher, scientist, and mathematician Invented analytic geometry Claimed earth was created by God Made of matter=physical universe and spirit=human mind Father of modern philosophy
Galileo Galilei “greatest scientist who ever lived” Published book on world systems of Copernicus and Ptolemy Church said he was wrong Arrested and put on house arrest by church for rest of his life Became blind after completing his second book on two new sciences Book smuggled into Holland where it was published
Galileo’s Accomplishments Telescope Laws of motion http://www.history.com/shows/the-universe/videos/beyond-the-big-bang-sir-isaac-newtons-law-of-gravity#beyond-the-big-bang-galileo-galilei
Gerardus Mercator Specialties were cartography and geography First to use longitude and latitude for sailors First to make map of British Isles Instrument maker and engraver Made maps with new type of projection His maps and globes increased trade and exploration
Isaac Newton Studied math in the name of God Founder of modern physical science Laws of motion and gravity Developed theory of color Studied speed of sound Developed calculus http://www.history.com/shows/the-universe/videos/beyond-the-big-bang-sir-isaac-newtons-law-of-gravity#beyond-the-big-bang-sir-isaac-newtons-law-of-gravity
Partner Class work Create poster on renaissance scientists and mathematicians Each poster must have a visual representation or rhyme for each scientist/mathematician’s accomplishment(s) Make poster NEAT and ORGANIZED