Combined SR/SP UF Fits all of previous SP board logic! Main FPGA Phi Global LUT DC-DC Converter Eta Global LUT Phi Local LUT EEPROM Fits all of previous SP board logic! Stiffener Indicators FM RJ45 VME/CCB FPGA TLK2501 Transceiver From CCB Front FPGA To MS DDU FPGA PT LUT Main FPGA Optical Transceivers (16) MB1-to-SP Mezzanine Card ME1-to-DT SRAM
SR/SP Design Status Schematics completed: Layout underway: UF Sector Receiver Front FPGAs (5 total): XC2V1000-FF896C Sector Processor Main FPGA: XC2V4000-FF1152C Placed on mezzanine card with 780 I/O signals Uses “Verilog++” to describe firmware, validated in ORCA VME & control interface FPGA: XC2V250-FG456C DAQ Interface FPGA: XC2V250-FG456C SRAM: 51 SRAM chips (>64MB) for Look-up functionality Layout underway: Mezzanine board complete Main board routing: Problems encountered with PNPI routing Sent to outside vendor for completion
SR/SP Schedule Main board: Mezzanine card Track-Finder crate backplane Routing sent 1 Nov. ‘02, expect 6 week delivery Fabrication and assembly , expect 3 weeks Ready for test mid to late January Mezzanine card Routing complete Fabrication and assembly to take place in parallel Track-Finder crate backplane Schematics done Routing and fabrication to take place in parallel Firmware SP main trigger logic done SR, VME interface, DAQ interface to be done in parallel