Diffuser Performance Assessment Kanawha River, WV Blaine Linkous UT – Austin The Advent Group, Inc.
Map Components Data Sources: Stream Network from NHD DEM grid from NED Digital Orthophoto from West Virginia DEP Digitized USGS quad map from WVDEP Field Measurements
Constructing a Basemap from Components
Constructing a Basemap from Components
Coordinate System / Datum UTM coordinate system Zone 17N = Belle, WV NAD83 Orthophoto was originally UTM/NAD27 NHD, NED were originally geographic Field Measurements are relative to the diffuser; not the UTM x/y coordinate system.
Field Study Info Rhodamine WT dye Located on river relative to the diffuser and the right edge of water by a surveying crew (on land) Samples taken from: surface 0.2 (total depth) 0.6 (total depth) 0.8 (total depth) bottom
Coordinate System Rotation R = (DScos318o + REWcos228o)i +(DSsin318o + REWsin228o)j
Addition of Min. Dispersion Values
Another View of Min. Dispersion
ArcScene used to create TIN from DEM Grid