G D O A S A R O L E G I [TGS7112] 2 SKS teori 1 SKS praktikum Semester 1, 2017-2018 O A S A R G O L D E G I 2 SKS teori 1 SKS praktikum [TGS7112] Dr. Hill. Gendoet Hartono
Atom, Unsur, Mineral Magmatisme, Batuan Beku, Intrusi Volkanisme, Batuan Piroklastika, Ekstrusi Metamorfisme, Batuan Metamorf/Malihan Sedimentasi, Sedimen, Batuan Sedimen Pelapukan, Tanah Waktu, prinsip geologi Sedimentologi & Stratigrafi Hidrologi & Air Tanah Energi Panas Bumi Gerakan Tanah & Banjir Geologi Struktur Interior Planet Bumi Tektonik Lempeng
volcanism [vol-kuh-niz-uh m] Word Origin noun, Geology. 1. the phenomena connected with volcanoes and volcanic activity. volcanism /ˈvɒlkəˌnɪzəm/ Noun 1. those processes collectively that result in the formation of volcanoes and their products
Volcanism is the phenomenon of eruption of molten rock (magma) onto the surface of the Earth or a solid-surface planet or moon, where lava, pyroclastics and volcanic gases erupt through a break in the surface called a vent.
Pembentukan batuan gunung api (Hartono, 2010)
Material gunung api produk letusan (vide Compotn, 1985) >64mm 2-64mm Material gunung api produk letusan (vide Compotn, 1985) <2mm
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