Key Stage 1 New Assessment Arrangements 2016 Walter Infant School
Purpose of the Meeting Explanation of why and when the tests will take place Changes to the tests What tests will be completed How the test results influence teacher assessment How you can help at home Reporting arrangements Any questions
National Curriculum Tests (SATs) The majority of the tests will take place during the month of May in 2016. Our school has been selected to administer one of the tests early to inform standard setting for the new tests. These tests will provide information about how your child is progressing, compared to children the same age nationally. They do not affect your child’s future options in school. The results are used to ensure that schools are teaching the essential knowledge and skills that young children need at the beginning of their educational career and to ensure that they are Junior School Ready. The changes this year are because the tests are based on the new National Curriculum which has been in place since September 2014.
Changes to the Tests There is a new test of grammar, punctuation and spelling to check your child is reaching the expected standards with the building blocks of writing. There is a new arithmetic test to check your child’s ability in basic Mathematics. There is no longer a writing test. Levels will no longer be used to reflect results. Children will be assessed against age related expectations (AREs).
The Tests Your Child will Take English Reading – 2 papers: short text and questions; longer text with separate questions English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling – 2 papers: spelling; punctuation and grammar (including vocabulary) Mathematics – 2 papers: arithmetic; mathematical reasoning
Test Results and Teacher Assessment Teacher assessment is used to report children’s attainment and progress to parents. Teachers will use the results of the Key Stage 1 tests to help them reach an overall judgement of the standards children have reached in English reading, English writing and Mathematics. You will also receive a teacher assessment judgement for Science. You will receive your child’s results by the end of the Summer Term.
How you can help at home Parents should carry on following the advice given throughout the year on how to support your child’s learning at home. No specific test preparation is necessary or desirable. Your child’s class teacher will ensure your child is prepared. Ensure your child has a good night’s sleep, a good breakfast and is in school every day! You can visit for more details about the tests. Sample tests can be viewed at curriculum-assessments-2016-sample-materials
Reporting arrangements We are still unclear about how the teacher assessment judgements will be reported at the end of the year. In June the government will provide further information to explain how and when the tests and assessments will be reported to parents. There will also be clarification on how the results are used.
Any Questions?