The Rochford Review The expert review of statutory assessment arrangements for pupils working below the standard of national curriculum tests.
Proposal What it is addressing Questions Statutory assessment for pupils who are not engaged in subject specific learning should be limited to cognition and learning Parity of statutory assessment focus with the national curriculum tests. What are the implications of categorising children into those engaged in subject specific learning and those who are not? Do the aspects of engagement measure cognition? 7 aspects of engagement with learning and cognition Relevant observable areas for assessing cognition and learning for children & young people with significant cognition needs What does progression look like? Does this form a sufficient assessment framework to enable 'fluid progression'?
Proposal What it is addressing Questions School-based approach to assessment Allows a close fit between individualised, or school, curriculum and assessment. What are the implications for comparing practice and outcomes between schools? Does this promote clarity for parents regarding progress and expectations? No national reporting of the above The difficulty of interpreting progress across children with individual and complex needs How can the progress of children & young people not engaged in subject specific learning be subject to national scrutiny? What are the implications of their progress not being scrutinised nationally?
Proposal What it is addressing Questions Removal of P scales No longer linked to national expectations. Do not fit the 'can do' approach of national assessment. As with levels what are the implications of the loss of common language? A strength of P scales is that they aimed to encompass all children with cognition needs within an assessment framework that recognised for vertical and lateral progress- what characteristics of the P scales do we need to retain? Interim standards adopted and extended to include all pupils engaged in subject specific learning A means of determining progress for children working below the standard of NC tests. An alternative to P scales Do the interim standards enable the engagement of all pupils in assessment?
This consultation closes at 5pm on 22 June 2017 This consultation closes at 5pm on 22 June 2017