what is a penguin? A Penguin is a bird with black and white feathers and a funny waddle. But unlike most birds, penguins are not able to fly -- in the air that is. Penguins spend as much as 75% of their time underwater, searching for food in the ocean. When they are in the water, they dive and flap their wings. It looks just like they are flying! And they are like torpedoes
Where do Penguins live? Most penguins live in the southern hemisphere but they can also live in desert regions and rocky islands. The Rockhopper penguin can live on the shorelines from Chile right down to NZ!.
What type of penguins are there?
The Emperor Penguin The Emperor penguin is the largest type of penguin (growing to 122cm!). They live largely in Antarctica. The female only lays one egg during a season and the males sit on them until they hatch (incubate).
Do penguins have predators? Yes they do the smaller species can be attacked by snakes, lizards, ferrets, skuas,[ which is a bird], leopard seal, sharks, killer whales and the last and the biggest are HUMANS!!!
Our special penguin At our house we have a very special penguin but we got ripped off... He was a mouse he’s my brothers mouse he’s cute covered with fur but the only problem is that he poops in your hand when you hold him but that doesn’t change who he is
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