All the things you wanted to know about Penguins Presented By:Brianna wolfe
Penguins Rock!!!! PLEASE STAY TUNED FOR SOME INTERESTING FACTS!!!!!! Have you ever wondered about what penguins do well I know I have !!!Well now you can figure it all out when your Watching this slide show!!!! PLEASE STAY TUNED FOR SOME INTERESTING FACTS!!!!!!
Fact # 1 There are 17 different types of penguins including the King Penguins, the emperor Penguins , Adelie Penguins And last the Fairy Penguins
FACT # 2……………………. Penguins are expert swimmers they can swim up to 20 miles per hour in the hour !!! In the ocean!!
Now Here comes the Colony Did you know that where a large number of Penguins Breed is called a colony or a rookery!! WOW Emperor penguin Family!!!
Here we go 1..2..3………. More than two million Macaroni Penguin breed on one small island !!! Devoted couple of macaroni Penguins
Lets Go hunting… Scientist may think that Penguins hunt more efficiently in a group rather than on their own !!!! This is a picture of penguins Hunting in a group!!!
Now lets see about the other penguins!!! Macaroni Penguins, Rock Hopper Penguins and fairy penguins start Breeding in the middle of the winter so their chicks are ready to go to sea in the late spring!!!!!!!! This is a picture of a penguin chick near its daddy!!!
Fact # 7 King Penguin chicks take up to 2- 16 months to grow so the adults can only breed at best twice every three years Meet a penguin Chick!!!!
Here comes the other good news!!!!! The following year the early breeders do not get to mate until summer. While the late Birds miss out altogether and have to wait till next spring These cute little things are called Emperor penguin Chicks SO CUTE!!!
Fact # 9 The breeding season is a noisy bustling time for all Penguins !!!!!!! Tiny, tiny Penguin Looking Up at daddy!!!
PENGUINS ON THE LOOSE penguins lay very small eggs for their body size the emperor penguin lays the smallest egg of any bird in proportion to its body weight
WORK CITED All my information came from a book called Penguins!!!