EUROPEAN GREEN PARTIES An Overview By Adolfo Alonso
HISTORY 1960s; Emergence of green groups at the local level 1970s; Transition towards the national level Late 1970s; Futile approach to existing left-wing parties Economic crisis 1980s; Birth of national Environmental (Green) Parties
PROGRAMMATIC FEATURES From “Old politics” to “New politics”: Ecology Individualism Participatory democracy Leftism Solidarity Unilateral disarmament
POLITICAL AND ELECTORAL PROFILE Electorate: post-materialist, young, urban, highly educated, new middle class people Strategy: Achievement of goals through parliamentary action; Extra parliamentary actions Future: important competence for left-wing parties
LOS VERDES (The Greens) Spanish national political, ecologist, pacifist organization Aim Change society on the basis of the ecology, autogovernment, feminism and pacifism
It is a confederation of local and autonomic green parties Member of the European Federation of Green Parties Principles informing the party coincide with programmatic features Coalition with Communist Party in national elections with program based on environmental issues.
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