India- Maize Supply Demand Situation McDonald Pelz Global Commodities A PRESENTATION BY McDonald Pelz Global Commodities
The Irrelevant Factors Population Precipitation Production Peripheral Prospects/Prices
Direction of Global Trade Map not true representation of Indian Geo Borders- Just rep Source: Twitter
Direction of Global Trade Consuming Countries population possibly will increased steadily Producing Countries will see stagnate population Welcome to Asian and African Markets Population in Million Source: UN Population on Statistics
Important balancing Role in Global Supply Demand Economics Global Supply Hedge El- Nino Effect on Global Crop Production India was the biggest exporter of grains, oilseeds and meal in the Asian region Important role in global supplies -la nina Global production shrinks- india act as supply hedge India proximity to - freight spread India stayed food self sufficient. 2008-15 Important is to understand – Indian exports increases mainly in years of global deficit Source: FAO Paper Important balancing Role in Global Supply Demand Economics
Global Markets and India Years of Indian Surpluses- La Nina Years of Indian Shortage- El Nino India/South Asia Rest of world World waiting for India to Export Global Markets waiting for India to Import
% Growth of meat products Source: USDA, McDonald Pelz Analysis SA + SE is fastest growing meat market in the region… It means more oilseed and feed grain demand
Area change in favour of corn and soybean in the region % change in area SA + SEA Source: USDA, McDonald Pelz Analysis Area change in favour of corn and soybean in the region
Wheat and Corn Growing Areas Wheat Areas Corn Areas Stable 4 Variable 4 Variable- All
Change in consumption Pattern- Growth in Corn demand Source: USDA, McDonald Pelz Analysis Imports growth at steady pace, India share in SE Imports
Maize Market in SE Asia ‘000mt, Source: USDA Markets around India has expanded, thus Indian consumer will have to hear high price scenario
India’s Role in Global Corn market ‘000mt, Source: USDA India Corn exports act as hedge against US supplies fluctuations (Weather Pattern)
WE PROVIDE INSIGHTS- Beyond Data and Information to our Customers SoAM Black Sea Asia- Producer and Consumer of grains and Oilseed- we are here to cater your requirements China Demand Wheat Market +91-7042537773
Worldwide McDonald Pelz India Office 111, Centrum Plaza Sector-53, Gurgaon India Phone: +91-7042537773 McDonald and Pelz is a cash grain, oilseed, and renewable energy brokerage organization whose aims and goals are to help our customers in the buying and selling of their products. Over the past 32 years McDonald and Pelz has become the industry leader and it is our objective to maintain this status through our growth globally.