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Friday October 28, 2016 Today you will need: Pencil Novel R.A.C.E. Handout “The Life You Can Save” Text-Based Questions “The Life You Can Save” Text
Friday October 28, 2016 Today’s Agenda Word Generation Lesson 1.10 Bell Challenge – Central Idea & Author’s Purpose Quiz “Life You Can Save Lesson” R.A.C.E Strategy Text Based Questions Discussion Choice Writing Prompts Exit Ticket – Quick Write
Which focus word best completes the sentence? A _______ part of being able to read well is knowing a lot of vocabulary words. alter compound conflict fundamental substitute Which focus word best completes the sentence?
Which focus word best completes the sentence? Rachel was _______ about whether to save her birthday money for a trip to Washington, D.C. or spend it on a new Xbox game. alter compound conflict fundamental substitute Which focus word best completes the sentence?
There is no _______ for a good night’s sleep in preparing for a test. alter compound conflict fundamental substitute Which focus word best completes the sentence?
Which focus word best completes the sentence? Taking steroids can _______ the way your brain works. People who take steroids can become violent toward others for no reason. alter compound conflict fundamental substitute Which focus word best completes the sentence?
Which focus word best completes the sentence? Don’t _______ the problem of not doing your classwork by being rude to your teacher. alter compound conflict fundamental substitute Which focus word best completes the sentence?
alter compound conflict fundamental substitute I did not know that my father would react so badly after I altered my hair color. I thought combining a compound of burgundy and red would potentially give me a deep red undertone; however, I measured the proportions of the dyes wrong and created an dingy purplish color. alter compound conflict fundamental substitute Use 2 of this weeks focus words and 2 or more of our previous focus words to create a sentence.
Word Generation Writing Prompt Write a response to the following question using information from the WG text and your own experience. “Steroids: Substance Abuse or Innocent Boost for Athletes?” When writing you should: Try to use relevant words from the current and past WG vocabulary list in your response. Response should the thought out and demonstrate a knowledge of the topic and the conventions of the English language.
Central Idea & Supporting Details Quiz
Criteria for Success At the end of today’s lesson, we will use the R.A.C.E. strategy to answer text-based questions.
R.A.C.E. to Answer Text-Based Questions Lesson
A are two questions, you should answer Restate the question - use the question stem to write your topic sentence. Answer the question - make sure to answer all parts of the question. If there A are two questions, you should answer each question in its own paragraph. C Cite evidence from the text. - You MUST quote the text. Use evidence based terms to begin your sentences. E Explain and extend - Explain how this evidence supports your answer. Give examples from connections you made.
R Restate the question OR This means to turn the question into a statement. Use words from the question stem in your statement. Example question: What are some ways students can help to stop bullying in their school? Great Response: Bullying is a huge problem in many schools. There are several steps students can take to help stop this problem in their own school. OR Good Response: There are several things students can do to help stop bullying in their school.
A Answer the question C Cite Evidence Answer ALL parts of the question. Some questions have more than one part. Each part separate paragraphs. Using our example question: One thing students can do is to participate in a school wide effort committed to speaking out against bullying. C Cite Evidence This means you will look back to the text to find specific examples that support your answer. Quote the text! --Use evidence based terms to begin your citation. According to the author, research has shown that students who participate in anti-bullying programs in their schools are more likely to have empathy for students who experience bullying.
E Explain and Extend RACE Put it all together You will explain how your evidence from the text supports your answer. You can use your own background knowledge and connections you made from your own experience. Example: One example of this is a poster contest my school had. The topic was “Stand up to Bullies. "The contest seemed to make students really think about how hurtful bullying can be. RACE Put it all together Put all your information into paragraph form. Remember to indent and check for spelling and capitalization!
Sample Response: R Bullying is a huge problem in many schools. There are several steps students can take to help stop this problem in their own school. One thing students can do is to participate in a school wide effort committed to speaking out against bullying. According to the author, research has shown that students who participate in anti-bullying programs in their schools are more likely to have empathy for students who experience bullying. One example of this is a poster contest my school had. The topic was “Stand up to Bullies.” The contest seemed to make students really think about how hurtful bullying can be. A C E
Group Task “The Life You Can Save” Revisit the text and answer your given text-based questions using the R.A.C.E. strategy. Remember: Restate the question Answer the question Cite evidence from the text Explain and extend your answer Group 1 – Question 1 Group 2 – Question 2 Group 3 – Question 3 Group 4 – Question 4 Group 5 – Question 5 Group 6 – Question 6 Group 7 – Question 7
R.A.C.E. & Text-based questions Discussing
Writing Task Choice Activities Informative Writing Prompt: What , specifically, does the author propose that the reader do to help fight extreme poverty? Task 2 Argumentative Writing Prompt Does saving someone’s life require something spectacular? What evidence from this text and other text support your claim?
Exit Ticket Quick Write Should those who are more fortunate be obligated to “share the wealth?” Why or why not?
Book talks are due next Friday November 4, 2016. Reminder