Workshop Overview Workshop #2 Workshop #3 Implementation, Recovery Strategy, and Reconstitution Workshop #3 Appendices Training, Testing and Evaluation
“Let our advanced worrying become our advanced planning” - Winston Churchill Prevention is key. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Your individualized plan must reflect what your AREA will do to protect itself from its UNIQUE hazards with the UNIQUE resources it has or can obtain
There is a difference…. “Putting out the fire” Immediate response and damage control “After the fire is out” Emphasis on recovery and resumption of services EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CONTINGENCY PLANNING
COOP OF OPERATIONS PLAN CONTINUITY Keep in mind: Emergency response from local, state and national government can be delayed up to 96 hours
Plan Elements Vital Alternate Essential Records Orders Facilities Functions Orders Of Succession Testing Training Delegations Of Authority Human Capital Management Recovery Communications Devolution
Objectives Continuous performance of essential functions during “non-normal conditions” Ensure safety and reduce stress among employees Protect facilities, equipment, records Minimize losses and damage Reduce disruptions to the system
Objectives Plan for all departments; not just IT Orderly recovery to resume service Minimize harm (physical, financial, psychological) to clients whom your services benefit Source: Federal Preparedness Circular 65 (FPC 65)
COOP Planning Capable of implementation with little or no warning Operational within 12 hours Maintain sustained operations up to 30 days Provide regular risk analysis of current alternate operating facilities Plan for existing field infrastructures and other options Municipal services (Police, Fire, EMS, etc) will look to you to help mitigate patient surge. May use you as a base of operations to help local populations.
COOP Planning Cross training, telecommuting, working at home, shared facilities Consider distance of the alternate facilities from primary Include regular testing, training and exercise of personnel, equipment and systems Include maintenance, review and revision of COOP capabilities
Plan Components Project Initiation ID of Essential Functions Design and Development Implementation Training, Testing and Exercises Execution Revision and Maintenance Part of design and development: Service area mapping – assessing local population and service needs Plan needs to go beyond table top exercises – actual drilling and testing of critical systems is necessary.
Disruption scenarios Loss of database Facility unavailable Loss of communication systems (including computers) Loss of vendor services Loss of staff