How to write a project plan Ove Karlsson 5th Scandinavian Advanced Obstetric Anaesthesia Training Programme 2017-2019 How to write a project plan Ove Karlsson
Advanced Obstetric Anaesthesia Training Programme The programme will end with presentation of a formal research project, an abstract in SSAI congress Copenhagen 2019 Oslo 2021 (last chance to receive the diploma) Research Project Investigational project An audit Case report Literature review
Advanced Obstetric Anaesthesia Training Programme In the preparation of the research project, group work is accepted and encouraged. A publication in Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica is encouraged and should follow the general principles for an article in ACTA. But publication of the research project is not a requirement.
Project plan Title Background Aim Research question/hypothesis Method Preliminary results and clinical implications Ethical issues Schedule Budget Reference list
Before you write your project plan: Research About the search for knowledge A process of steps used to collect and analyse information to increase our understanding of a topic or issue. (John W Creswell) Three steps Pose a question Collect data to answer the question Present an answer to the question
Before you write your project plan: Define a research problem Review the literature Formulate a hypothesis Find a supervisor
Project plan Title Background Aim Research question/hypothesis Method Preliminary results and clinical implications Ethical issues Schedule/project timeline Budget Reference list
Title Background Short and concise Relevant for the project Entice the reader to choose your project Key words Background Brief background and why the study need to be done Overview of the literature Clarity of the research problem What do we know, what do we not know and why should we know?
Research question/hypothesis Aims Aims are broad but concise statement of what the research study hopes to accomplish Primary and secondary aims Research question/hypothesis Hypotheses are more specific than aims Research question Research statement
Method Study design Study population Study procedure Randomised controlled study Observational study Prospective cohort/case control Retrospective cohort/case control Clinical audit Study population Study procedure Inclusion/exclusion criteria Study protocol Data management Sample size and data analysis Power calculation Statistical methods
Preliminary results and clinical implications Research question Interpretation of the results Ethical issues Ethical aspects and reflections Written informed consent Patient information Regional ethical review board Apply for ethical approval
Schedule/project timeline Registration in clinical trials Study duration Timeline for each activity Budget Funds Costs Reference list Include all references used throughout the application
Reporting guidelines A good project plan make it easier to expand to an article Randomised trials CONSORT Observational studies STROBE Case reports CARE Study protocol SPIRIT
Keep in mind that A good project plan is not all the work but a big part and a very good start Select the right topic Find the right supervisor Keep your plan realistic Make it easy