Maltese Presidency of the Council of the European Union
MT- EU2017 Challenges: Migration and Terrorist threat Close collaboration with the Slovak Presidency
Maltese Presidency Priorities on Migration and asylum Proceed with the discussions proposals to revise the Common European Asylum System Legislative negotiations on the revision of the Blue Card Directive
Maltese Presidency Priorities on Migration and asylum Importance to the external dimension of Immigration and asylum – New Partnership Framework with third countries with the priority: Saving lives in the Mediterranean; Increase the rate of returns to countries of origin and transit; Enable migrants to stay close to home and avoid taking dangerous journeys.
Maltese Presidency Priorities on Migration and asylum Monitor the implementation of measures that have already been agreed upon the external dimension by following up on the 2015 Valletta Summit on Migration.
Maltese Presidency Priorities on Migration and asylum External Border Management – a key issue in ensuring security while maintaining smooth cross border crossings. Build on Slovak Presidency by aiming to register significant on the Smart Borders – EU Entry/Exit System & European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS).
Maltese Presidency Priorities on Migration and asylum Fight against illegal migration: Action Plan against Migrant Smuggling; Action Plan on Returns; Legislative Proposals
Maltese Presidency Priorities on Internal Security and Terrorism Importance to the implementation of the Renewed Internal Security Strategy and the Roadmap on Interoperability of databases.
Maltese Presidency Priorities on Internal Security and Terrorism Fight against terrorism and serious organised crime: CEPOL Presidency seminar: Preventing radicalisation to terrorism and violent extremism: strengthening the Member State’s response (21-23 February 2017) Steer conclusion of the current Policy Cycle (2013-2017); Advance plans for the next Policy Cycle; Take forward the legislative negotiations on Firearms Directive; Possible proposal on combating fraud and counterfeiting of non- cash means of payment.
Internal Security and Terrorism – EU Drugs Strategy Implementation of the EU Drugs Strategy: Preparation of the Action Plan 2017-2020 following assessment of the EU- Strategy 2016; Finalisation of the New Psychoactive Substances legislation; Co-ordinate the process following UNGASS 2016 Preparations for 2019 of the 2009 Political Declaration.
2nd Management Board Meeting Corinthia Hotel, St George’s Bay, Malta 9-10 May 2017