Fahrenheit 451 Quick Writes
Quick Write One What is the message of Fahrenheit 451? What message(s) is Bradbury trying to convey in the novel?
Quick Write One What is the message of Fahrenheit 451? What message(s) is Bradbury trying to convey in the novel? What are some examples from the book that support your idea(s)?
Quick Write Two How does Bradbury use symbolism to convey his message(s)?
Quick Write Two How does Bradbury use symbolism to convey his message(s)? What are some examples from the book that support your idea(s)?
Fahrenheit 451 Final Essay
Topics What is the message of Fahrenheit 451? What message(s) is Bradbury trying to convey in the novel? How does Bradbury use symbolism to convey his message(s)?
Essay Requirements Five paragraphs minimum – including an introduction and conclusion Do not use the title Fahrenheit 451 – it is already taken by Bradbury Use supporting quotes from the novel Use at least 3 quotes that support your argument Quote format: “So it was the hand that started it all” (Bradbury 41).
Common Core State Standards Will be graded on 4 standards total W.2 – Expository Essay L.1 – Proper Grammar L.2 – Conventions (Spelling, Punctuation, etc.) W.5 – Editing Process – Actually editing and developing your paper
Writing Prompts Requirements Five paragraphs minimum – including an introduction and conclusion Introduction Introduce book and who it is by Summary of Book Thesis: “The message of Fahrenheit 451 is….” Use supporting quotes from the novel Use at least 3 quotes that support your argument Quote format “So it was the hand that started it all” (Bradbury 41). What is the message of Fahrenheit 451? What message(s) is Bradbury trying to convey in the novel? How does Bradbury use symbolism to convey his message(s)?