with Dark They Were, and Golden -Eyed By Ray Bradbury Week 7 Vocabulary with Dark They Were, and Golden -Eyed By Ray Bradbury
convivial A welcome mat on the front porch is a convivial item that greets all of our guests. POS: adj. Student definition based on CC (contexts clues). Definition: enjoying the company of others; sociable Synonyms: fun-loving, friendly Antonyms: sad, unfriendly
subtly The diamond shown so bright that only the expert could see it subtly shine slightly less than all of the others. POS: adv. Student definition based on CC (contexts clues). Definition: not obviously; in a manner hard to notice or perceive Synonyms: casually, faintly, mildly Antonyms: roughly, difficulty, heavily
forlorn The house was so overgrown and forlorn that the charity group felt sad and decided to fix it up for the old woman. POS: adj. Student definition based on CC (contexts clues). Definition: appearing lonely or sad Synonyms: hopeless, depressed, miserable Antonyms: cheerful, happy, hopeful
recede As the man grew older, his hair began to recede and vanish. POS: verb Student definition based on CC (contexts clues). Definition: to become fainter or more distant Synonyms: withdraw, decrease, diminish Antonyms: develop, grow, enhance
dwindle The candy dwindled in the bowl until it was all gone as many children trick-or-treated all night long. POS: verb Student definition based on CC (contexts clues). Definition: to become less, until little remains Synonyms: waste away, decay, decline Antonyms: ascend, develop, raise
pendulum The pendulum of the clock swung so strongly that the “tick, tock” of the clock could be heard throughout the house. POS: noun Student definition based on CC (contexts clues). Definition: a weight hung so that it can swing freely, sometimes used in timing the workings of certain clocks Synonyms: pressure, anchor, mass Antonyms: advantage, solution
muse While making the Musings book, the members have to muse about the placement of the poem and picture placement. POS: verb Student definition based on CC (contexts clues). Definition: to say thoughtfully Synonyms: think about, speculate, dream Antonyms: disbelieve, discard, ignore
flimsy The board on the deck was so flimsy that the man fell straight through to the ground. POS: adj. Student definition based on CC (contexts clues). Definition: not solid or strong Synonyms: not strong, light, thin Antonyms: healthy, firm, solid