Connecting Cultures
Cultural Make-Up CITY: *markedly multicultural *Sikh population COMMUNITY: diverse in culture & spirit CHURCH: 50% Black 35% White 15% Asian (Indian)
Dangers, Pitfalls & Barriers Superiority Complex Refusal to Adapt Failure to distinguish culture from religion Failure to connect relationally
Within the Church Unity in diversity ... it’s a God-thing! Overriding principle of ‘ONENESS’ Importance of ‘bigger picture perspective’ Building church culture that does not ignore differences BUT does not overstate them!
Outside the Church SPIRITUALLY Ephesians 6:12 & 2 Corinthians 10:4 Connecting spiritually TO connect naturally Overcoming in spirit TO overcome in natural
Luke 10:8 “eat whatever is set before you” Outside the Church PRACTICALLY Luke 10:8 “eat whatever is set before you” 1 Corinthians 9:22 ‘Understanding Fish’