Welcome On your index card please write the following information: Your name Student’s name One goal you have for your student this year in English. One thing you feel is important for me to know about your student. It can be something about their education, personality, learning style, whatever you feel is important for me to know as their teacher. Welcome
Welcome to Mrs. Green’s classroom Back to School Night Welcome to Mrs. Green’s classroom
English Standards-Based Grading Rubric Mastery Student demonstrates high level of knowledge and understanding 3 = B Proficiency Student demonstrates acceptable level of knowledge and understanding 2 = C Developing Student demonstrates some knowledge and understanding 1 = D Emerging Student meets few requirements for proficient work Student demonstrates little knowledge and understanding 0 = F Incomplete Student shows no evidence of knowledge and understanding Little to no requirements have been met. English Standards-Based Grading Rubric Our goal is to have all students meet proficiency in all standards taught and tested. Once a student has met proficiency, enrichment will occur to assist the student toward mastery, the student can then work towards mastery through personal effort and dedication. Students may re-take any and all assessments as needed, as long as they show learning has occurred before a re-take. Each assessment may require different tasks before a re-take, so it is up to the student to identify and complete each task. *Please note: Teachers will use professional judgement when it comes to final grades to fit the school-wide grading scale. New this year! Our grading policy has changed! We have moved to Standards- Based Grading
What will we do this year? First Term The Bonds Between Us Social Media, Harmful or Helpful? Second Term Fahrenheit 451 Third Term Mock Job Unit Research Fourth Term SAGE Testing Romeo and Juliet What will we do this year?
Class Requirements Prepared with materials everyday A positive hard-working attitude Active participation Class Requirements
Homework Articles of the week Any unfinished class work Individual reading Homework
Parents need to know Students will have access to textbook online www.myhrw.com They will receive their log in information the first day of school We will be utilizing Canvas quite a bit this year. Students will receive log in information and instruction on how to navigate. Parents will also have access to an account. More information to come. Remind Parents are welcome to sign up for remind too! Text the following code to 81010 or use the Remind App English 9 Honors - @ad84hh English 9 - @kkcga2 Parents need to know
How can parents help? Read your emails! Donations I send term emails at the beginning of every term. I also send missing work notifications weekly. Donations I am always accepting donations of tissues, Clorox wipes, hand sanitizer, or classroom supplies. We go through these like crazy, especially during the winter months. How can parents help?
Please feel free to contact me anytime at vicgreen@dsdmail.net Questions?