Chapter 14 The Nation Divided 1846-1861 Section 4: The Coming of War LEQ: How does expansion contribute to the Civil War? How do growing social divisions contribute to the Civil War? How do states’ rights and slavery contribute to the Civil War?
What you will do Describe the results of the election of 1860. Explain why southern states seceded from the Union. Summarize the events that led to the outbreak of the Civil War.
What you will Know Civil War Confederate States of America Fort Sumter John Bell John Breckinridge
Background Knowledge Last section you learned: John Brown’s raid steadily increased tensions between the North and South over slavery Dred Scott decision This section you will learn: How Abraham Lincoln’s election as President created a crisis that shattered the nation and led to war
Brainstorm Each group will Brainstorm for 2 minutes What do you know about the Civil War?
Graffiti Wall
The Nation Divides Election of 1860 Presidential Candidates Republican Party Abraham Lincoln Popular in the North Illinois Northern Democratic Party Stephen Douglas
The Nation Divides Vice President John Breckinridge Tennessee Southern Democratic Party Vice President John Breckinridge Kentucky Constitutional Union Party John Bell Tennessee
The Nation Divides The candidates platform Abraham Lincoln Tariffs Homesteads Criticism of slavery Stephen Douglas Protect the union Popular Sovereignty
The Nation Divides V.P. John Breckenridge John Bell The right of Secession States’ rights John Bell Protect slavery Keep the Union together
The Nation Divides Election of 1860 outcome Lincoln won every free state 40% of the popular vote 180 Electoral votes Breckinridge won all slave states except four 18% popular vote 72 Electoral votes Bell won Kentucky, Tennessee and Virginia Douglas won Missouri
Electoral Votes Reading Answer questions Handout Independently/pairs HRT groups
Checks on Learning Who was the Republican Party’s candidate for the election of 1860? Which Southern Democrat had the second most electoral votes in the election of 1860? Give two examples of Stephen Douglas’s platform. Which presidential candidate won all free states? Which presidential candidate won the majority of slave states? Who won the election of 1860?
The Nation Divides Southern States Secede Issue: Southern states no longer had a voice after Lincoln’s election President Lincoln and Congress were against their interests Slavery South Carolina Secedes December 20, 1860 1st state to secede from the Union
The Nation Divides The Confederate States of America- 1861 Six more states secede after South Carolina February of 1861 Leaders of the 7 seceding states met in Montgomery, Alabama to form a new nation Confederate States of America President Jefferson Davis
The Civil War Begins March 4, 1861 President Lincoln took the oath of office In his inaugural address he assured the seceded states that he meant them no harm “I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery where it exits.” But warned them about continuing on the course they has chosen…
The Civil War Begins Lincoln’s assurance of friendship was rejected
Checks on Learning Which southern state was the first to secede from the union? List two issues or reasons southern states seceded from the union. The leaders of the 7 seceding states met in Alabama to form a new nation. What was the name of this new nation?
The Civil War Begins Lincoln’s most urgent problem… Attack on Fort Sumter April 12, 1861 Located on an island in the harbor of Charleston, SC Cause: The Union Fort was in Confederate territory The fort’s commander refused to surrender Effect: The fort surrendered Start of the Civil War
Attack on Fort Sumter Read page 502 Answer: What was the cause of the Confederate attack on Fort Sumter? What were the effects? Read: “Confederate Troops Fire on the Fort”. Write a brief summary.
The Civil War Begins Lincoln’s decision Remedy Outcome He did not want to give up the fort Why? He feared that sending troops might cause other states to secede Remedy Send food not troops Outcome Confederate troops opened fired on the fort for… 34 hours U.S. troops surrender
The Civil War Begins Why War Came… Lincoln’s election Confederate attack on Fort Sumter Start of the Civil War
Checks on Learning What was Lincoln’s most urgent problem in April of 1861? List two causes and two effects of Lincoln’s most urgent problem. What was Lincoln’s decision concerning the fort? What was the outcome of the attack on the fort?
Summary What did you learn? Explain using complete sentences.