Officer Training Officer Training
Value of Officers Value from National Office Value from local membership
Role of Officers Keeping vision & goals in front of membership Motivating & encouraging membership Setting example of strong leadership to membership Providing resource for continued education of membership Working as a team-synergy Training others to be successful officers
Strategy for Successful Organizations Mission – why they exist Vision – how will they accomplish the mission? Values – what do they value? Goals – SMART GOALS
SMART GOALS Specific Measurable Action Oriented & Aligned Realistic & Results Focused Time Limited
Marketing for NACBA Meetings
Targeted Audience? Who are we trying reach? CBAs – to meet their current needs Support Staff – to help them grow into CBAs Vendors – to make them aware of church needs so they can provide resources
Communication of Mission, Vision, Values & Goals to Membership Updates at meetings National NACBA ~ conference/training/membership/ resources/certification Upcoming events ~ months out ~ not one month at a time Rejoice in other’s success
Timely notice of meetings ~2 hits Include paragraph about topic of the month & speaker bio Special emails Written communication (personal)
Holding the Membership’s Interest Keep Them Coming Back
Relevant Topics Current Issues Facing Churches ~The Known Current Issues Facing Churches ~The Unknown
Practical “Take Home & Put to Practice” Applications Speakers that Relate to Administrators, Not Just Church Body Don’t Over-Use “Feel Good” or “Spiritual Topics” – Stick to Basic Needs
Special Incentives Gift for someone with perfect attendance Free lunch if renew membership by… Enroll a new member and receive a prize $$ discount to National Conference Discount for new memberships throughout the year
Marketing for Professionalism First Impressions First-time attendees Acknowledgement of attendance Don’t make excuses for meeting (attendance, etc.) Seat them beside a net-worker Guest Speakers Communication prior to meeting Communication after the meeting Host Churches Written expectations prior to meeting Follow-up after the meeting
Lasting Impressions First-time attendees Guest Speakers Host Churches Follow-up with email/note Invite them back again with their assistant/pastor Give them a flyer to take back Guest Speakers Introduce properly Follow-up speaker with words of practical application Send thank-you note Those that accept money – slip into thank-you note and give to them on the day of the presentation Host Churches Thank host church Recognize Senior Pastor & Administrator Follow-up with thank you note
Team Building & Involvement Use More Than One Person for Securing Speaker Topics Use More Than One Person for Follow-up Communication Copy Steps Taken to President & Other Officers
Don’t Sit Together at Meetings – Network and Keep Ears Open Pull in Evaluations From Members & Speakers Don’t Take Setbacks Personally Meet Regularly as Officers Rejoice in Other’s Success
Reap the Benefits Increase in Membership Increase in Professionalism – members taking membership seriously Increase in Knowledge Increase in National NACBA Level Joy of training others to become leaders Joy of helping prepare others for Officer’s role at National Level