Envıronmental Control Studıo INTERNATIONAL BURCH UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT of ARCHITECTURE ARC 254 Envıronmental Control Studıo 2011-2012 Spring Term Ahmetspahic Erna eahmetspahic@ibu.edu.ba
Timetable and office hours Class Schedule: Tuesday 13:00-17:00 Office Hour: Open Door Policy
Course Objectives Students will be provided with knowledge on aspects of building environment controls related to architectural planning and design. To understand the functions and characteristics of environmental control systems and their place in the development of architectural concepts; Eviromental control studio offers student an understandind systems in design, e.g. (1) visual, (2) spatial, and (3) performance.
Textbooks * Mat Santamouris, Environmental Design of Urban buildings: An Integrated Approach * Moore, Fuller, Environmental control systems: heating, cooling, lighting. McGraw-Hill, 1993. * Baird, George, The Architectural Expression of Environmental Control Systems. Taylor & Francis , 2001. * Peter F. Smith , Arhitecture in a climat of change . A guide to sustainable design . 2005
Brief Contents Week 1: Course Introduction. CLIMATE as an context. Week 2: DESIGN STRATEGIES. Streets. Open spaces. Buildings. Week 3: DESIGN STRATEGIES. Buildings.Zoned organizations. Week 4: Fundamentals of LIGHT. Daylighting. Electric lighting. Week 5: ACOUSTICS Design. Fundamentals of Sound. Week 6: RENEWABLE TECHNOLOGIES. Week 7: Sustainable design. Solar arhitecture. PASSIVE SYSTEM Week 8: EXISTING housing: a challenge and opportunity. Week 9: MIDTERM EXAM Week 10: HVAC System Week 11: Natural Ventilation .HVAC : VENTILATION Week 12: HVAC: HEATING & COOLING SYSTEMS Week 13: Energy Code. WIND + WATER Week 14: Course evaluation + review.
Grading Attendance 5% Activity and participation 5% Studio project 40% Midterm Exam 20% Final Exam 30%