Warm-up: Think about as many creation myths from other cultures’ religions and/or mythologies as you know. What are some similarities? Differences? What are the important parts? What do these myths reflect about the cultures from which they originate? Now chat with your table partner and combine lists.
Other popular Chinese myths On your c.r. notes, write down what you think is significant from the following Chinese myths and stories (alert: cheesiness ahead!): The 10 Suns: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DEzgAiIV0zM Tale of the 4 Dragons: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01UQ0IWxC6E
Creation Myths & Discussion Questions Grab your partner Finish your Creation Myth (5 min.) Grab another group. Read each other your Creation Myths and give the other group a compliment. Share answers to your HW questions
Dragon Sightings (2:30): http://youtu.be/A3tFCO1mlSs Dragon videos Dragon Sightings (2:30): http://youtu.be/A3tFCO1mlSs Real Dragon Caught (2:00): http://youtu.be/oRqUAMrS1X4
Dragons’ importance in Chinese culture When you think of a dragon, what do you picture in your mind? Where have you seen examples of dragons in Western culture? What do dragons typically represent in books and movies today? Next (pix)
HW: Dragon Art! Based on what you read in the article on Chinese Dragons, accurately draw one! You must… use all Nine Resemblances find a creative way to incorporate what the dragon represents in Chinese culture. label all 9 parts…and don’t forget the pearl. Use evidence from the text! Get creative and do the best you can.