Organization of twinning master theses Hans Schnitzer April 2010
Find and contact a company It is most important, that the topic for the thesis comes from business Please involve the company as much as possible into the decision and planning process! Make sure that the problem is relevant to your country
Find a professor at your university who is willing to supervise Depending on the topic, you will need (a) professor(s) who is / are ready to supervise the theses The professor has to be able to supervise the thesis and to give the certificates
Let the company fill to form at the homepage There is a form at the UNCHAIN homepage that has to be filled by the company. Please support them in doing so. See under “Enterprises – University” or “Students Twinning” Please add the desired start time and duration (depending on the regulations of your University) We will also upload a document for students to apply
Send the form to Hans Schnitzer All applications will be collected within the work package for ranking and approval We will try to evaluate all proposals from one country at one time! Evaluation criteria: Relevance to business Relevance to university Relevance to country Relevance to sustainable development
Let’s find a twinning professor at one of the European Universities Contact the UNCHAIN partner at the European University to find a professor who is ready and interested in carrying out the twinning thesis He will have to look for a student suited to do the work
Common decision about project Hopefully there are more applications that possibilities UNCHAIN will jointly decide about the projects selected with the involved Universities At the time of the decision, all proposals from the specific country should be ready according to the specific University regulations (not all countries at the same time, but all proposals from one country if possible)
Prepare project plans Like for any project, we need a plan. Goals Work packages Deliverables Time schedules Visits, travels Milestones Budget
Arrange meetings Both students in the project should work together in the MEDA-country There should be a study session in the European country for both Professors should visit each other and the company where the work takes place UNCHAIN should take part in at least one of the meetings …
Final report The theses will be evaluated at the home-university of each student There has to be a short report to UNCHAIN There is no formal layout from UNCHAIN, we will follow the regulations of the Universities