МБОУ Стодолищенская СШ Презентация по теме “Кельты” МБОУ Стодолищенская СШ Презентация по теме “Кельты” Стодолище 2016
Who were the Celts? From around 750 BC to 12 BC, the Celts were the most powerful people in central and northern Europe. There were many groups (tribes) of Celts, speaking a vaguely common language. The word Celt comes from the Greek word, Keltoi, which means barbarians and is properly pronounced as "Kelt".
Where did the Celts come from? The Celts lived across most of Europe during the Iron Age. Several hundred years before Julius Caesar, they occupied many parts of central and western Europe, especially what are now Austria, Switzerland, southern France and Spain. Over several years, in wave after wave, they spread outwards, taking over France and Belgium, and crossing to Britain.
Celts who invaded Britain: the Goidelic Celts (Gaels or Gaelic ) - Scotland, Isle of Man and Ireland the Brythonic Сelts (Britons or British) - roughly Wales and Cornwall The Goidelic Celts were first to invade Britain. They were later pushed into Ireland by their cousins the Brythonic (or British) Celts who came over in 500 - 400 BC. The Brythonic occupied present day England and Wales.
Celts in Britain today There are still quite a lot of Celts living in the British Isles today. They live mainly in Wales, Cornwall, Scotland, the Isle of Man and Ireland.
What clothes did the Celts wear? The Celts loved bright dazzling colours. They dyed their woollen trousers and tops bright colours. Clothes were made from wool and dyed with natural vegetable dyes (plants and berries) and woven by hand on a vertical loom .
Celtic Round Houses The Celtic tribes lived in scattered villages. They lived in round houses with thatched roofs of straw or heather. The walls of their houses were made from local material-woven wood and daub (straw and mud). The houses had no windows.
The Celts at War The Celts loved war The Celts at War The Celts loved war. If one wasn't happening they'd be sure to start one. They arrayed themselves as fiercely as possible, sometimes charging into battle fully naked, dyed blue from head to toe, and screaming like banshees to terrify their enemies.
The Celts were great users of light chariots in warfare The Celts were great users of light chariots in warfare. From this chariot, drawn by two horses, they would throw spears at an enemy before dismounting to have a go with heavy slashing swords. The main problem with the Celts was that they couldn't stop fighting among themselves long enough to put up a unified front. Each tribe was out for itself, and in the long run this cost them control of Britain.
Druids Druids were a curious lot; a sort of super-class of priests, political advisors, teachers, healers, and arbitrators. They had their own universities, where traditional knowledge was passed on by rote. They had the right to speak ahead of the king in council, and may have held more authority than the king. They acted as ambassadors in time of war, they composed verse and upheld the law. They were a sort of glue holding together Celtic culture.
Literature and Internet Recourses http://www.britainexpress.com/History/Celtic_Britain.htm http://www.projectbritain.com/history/romanbritain.html https://yandex.ru/images/search