Analysis of the content, colourants, fats, nitrate and nitrite in advertised foods and biological fluids of Egyptian children تحليل المضمون والمواد الملونة الصناعية والدهون والنيترات والنيتريت في الأغذية المعلنة وفي السوائل البيولوجية للأطفال المصريين Aly R Abdel-Moemin
Aly R Abdel-Moemin
Food colourants Aly R Abdel-Moemin
Presentation Outline Introduction Aim of the Study Materials and Methods Results Discussion Conclusion Aly R Abdel-Moemin
Abstract Analysis of the content of the AF was done by watching the three Egyptian children’s channels (ECC) for 38 hours. Amaranth, Indigo Carmine, Tartrazine, nitrate and nitrite were analysed in all AF and in serum and urine of children. Lipid profile was also estimated in children. Total fats were only analysed in the advertised processed meats and in the restaurant dishes. Aly R Abdel-Moemin
Abstract The AF accounted for 46-54% of the total advertisements presented. The advertised restaurant dishes were predominantly high in fats, (63%) restaurant dishes and (55%) processed meats. Tartrazine was the only food colourant found in soft drinks and jelly powders 0.2-15 μg/ml and 25-125 μg/g, respectively. The average levels of total nitrate and nitrite were higher than the acceptable daily intake of the Egyptian and WHO limits (125 mg/kg). Aly R Abdel-Moemin
Abstract Urinary Tartrazine and urinary total nitrate and nitrite were significantly higher in the viewers’ children for the ECC and at borderline for lipid profile compared to non-viewers’ children. The most harmful effect of these ads is the cumulative effect of AF that undermines progress towards a healthy diet for children. AF may expose children to non-communicable disease in the future. Aly R Abdel-Moemin
Abstract The local policy context requires action to set clear rules for children’s food advertising and monitor processed meat products to tackle exceeded levels of nitrate and nitrite. This research shows a large number of AF (1,112) in the ECC for 38 hours with statistically significant increase of Tartrazine, nitrate and nitrite in AF (p˂0.0001) and in biological fluids (p˂0.05). Aly R Abdel-Moemin
Aim of the Study Analyse the content and some synthetic food colourants, total fats, nitrate and nitrite in both advertised foods (AF) and serum and urine samples of children (8 to 12 years). Aly R Abdel-Moemin
Introduction Advertising can play a prominent role in influencing children’s eating habits. Studies suggest that children will make “healthy choices” but need the knowledge supporting these “healthy choices” Most synthetic dyes contain azo functional groups and aromatic rings; they may have negative effects on health including allergic and asthmatic reactions, DNA damage and hyperactivity. Aly R Abdel-Moemin
Introduction Some synthetic dyes are even considered to be potentially carcinogenic and mutagenic to humans (EFSA, 2005). EFSA, (2010) concludes that it is unlikely that oral consumption of food colours either individually or in combination, would trigger severe adverse reactions in human subjects at the current levels of use. So our question what about in case of exceeding the limit of the current levels of use? Tartrazine (E102) has been implicated as the food additive most often responsible for allergic reactions in children, having thus been targeted by the scientific community (Ward, 1997). Aly R Abdel-Moemin
Introduction Nitrite (E249-E250) has been used for preservation of meat products for decades and is still widely used for sausages and luncheon meats. Nitrite provides an efficient inhibition of the growth of Clostridium botulinum, and gives cured meat unique colours, flavours and aromas. Increased consumption of dietary nitrate and nitrite is associated with elevated levels of salivary nitrite (Badawi et al., 1998). Diabetes often goes undiagnosed because many of it’s symptoms seem so harmless. Early detection and treatment can lower the incidence of complications. Aly R Abdel-Moemin
Introduction Children might be susceptible to the toxic effects of these compounds as they have low body weight, immature enzymatic system especially for xenobiotic metabolism and high gastric acidity that is a good environment for N-nitrosamine formation (Okafor and Nwogbo, 2005). Aly R Abdel-Moemin
Materials and Methods Purchasing and sampling AF Chemicals Content analysis of TV advertisements Analysis of the AF Preparation of samples for synthetic food colourants analysis Chromatographic separations Quality control of the method Total fats Aly R Abdel-Moemin
Materials and Methods Determination of nitrate and nitrite in the AF Preparation of samples for nitrate and nitrite Recruiting children Anthropometric measurements Collection of blood and urine specimens Urinary synthetic food colourants analysis NOx in serum and urine Lipid profile Statistical analysis Aly R Abdel-Moemin
Materials and Methods Standard deviation (SD) and CV were calculated using Excel for the HPLC results, total fats, nitrate, nitrite and biochemical determinations. The results obtained for Tartrazine, nitrate, nitrite and total fats analysis of soft drinks, jelly powders, processed meats and restaurant dishes were statistically analysed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) (Genstat 6 package). Aly R Abdel-Moemin
Materials and Methods Due to the large differences in analyte concentrations obtained from the range of AF studied, a logarithmic transformation was applied to the data to obtain variance homogeneity. The Vassar Stats online programme one-way ANOVA was used in biochemical analyses; Tukey’s pairwise test was used for comparisons of sample means at p˂0.05. Aly R Abdel-Moemin
Results Tartrazine, nitrate, and nitrite in advertised foods in the ECC Aly R Abdel-Moemin
Results Colourants, nitrate, nitrite and total fats of advertised foods in the three Egyptian children channels Aly R Abdel-Moemin
Results Colourants, fats, nitrate and nitrite in the advertised foods in the three Egyptian children channels Aly R Abdel-Moemin
Results Lipid profile, serum and urine nitric oxide and Tartrazine in the viewers and non-viewers children for ECC. Aly R Abdel-Moemin
Results HPLC Chromatograms of standard of Tartrazine E102(RT 4.12), Amaranth (RT 5.9) and Indigo Carmine E102(RT 7.6). Aly R Abdel-Moemin
Results UV/visible detector of the spectra collected by DAD of Tartrazine in cherry jelly, powder, with 999.9 purity factor. Aly R Abdel-Moemin
Results HPLC Chromatogram of Tartrazine E102 in cherry flavour of jelly powder. Aly R Abdel-Moemin
Conclusion Synthetic food colourants, fats, nitrate and nitrite were determined in 26 AF and beverages in the three ECC. Also these parameters were determined in serum and urine specimens of children. Levels of nitric oxide, Tartrazine and total fat were significantly higher in the viewer children of those channels compared to control group. The AF seem to promote foods mainly high in fats, synthetic food colourants, nitrate and nitrite that are precisely opposite of what is recommended for healthy eating for children. Aly R Abdel-Moemin
Thank you Aly R Abdel-Moemin