Nick Cave & His Sound Suits Slide 1: Good afternoon. My name is Apryl Okoroafor and I would like to introduce you to the Artists, Nike Cave and his wonderful Sound Suits. First, however, I would like you to be prepared to answer questions about what you will see. I will be sharing with you still images and You-Tube interview videos. Each one will have questions that follow. So be active in your viewing and listening.
Let’s look at some of his creations. First: What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you see these images? Excess, piles, movement, etc. Second: What kinds of materials do you see? Bags, hats, found items
Nick Cave has an affinity for working with found objects that say something about where he is at that point in time when he is creating the sound suits. This piece or one similar to it was on display at Crystal Bridges. Did any one here have an opportunity to see it on display? How was it displayed? Did you understand at the time that it was ment to be worn and moved? What types of materials were used in the making of this piece? Now let’s look at a YouTube interview with Nick Cave. PLAY VIDEO Tell me what information you felt was most important that you got from the interview: Creating from Excess, Hiding gender, race, and class, and playing with fear/attraction in the viewer. What kinds of things have you made from found items/or nothing in this unit of study on How Music Moves Us?
Now let’s look at some more work by Nick Cave. Now what do you see in these three images? Movement, excess, form Good.
What do you see? What kind of material? How is this different from what we have seen thus far?
This video will give you insight to as to what the artists was thinking with he created his first sound suite. PLAY VIDEO What where some points about the artist and his work that you got from this video?
“Born February 4, 1959 in Jefferson City, Missouri” (Raz-Russo). A large family of seven brothers being raised by a single parent, his mom. (Morrow, 2013, p. 6). His mother was very supportive, “As a child he was encouraged to be in performances, and he and his mother would shop for clothes that other children were not brave enough to wear” (McMillian, 2013, p. 6). Now, let’s learn a little bit about Nick Cave the artists: Born in 1959 in Jefferson City, Missouri One of 7 brothers Raised by his mother
He attended the Kansas City (Mo. ) Art Institute and received his B. F He attended the Kansas City (Mo.) Art Institute and received his B.F.A. in 1982 (Raz-Russo). Cave began exploring fiber arts and fashion during his studies at the Kansas City Art Institute. He received his BFA in 1982
He studded with the Alvin Ailey’s modern dance company (Hisotry Makers, 2004). He trained as a dancer at the Alvin Ailey’s Modern Dance Company He address the question about what form of art he is creating in this video: PLAY VIDEO What types of art does he create?
MFA from Cranbrook Academy of Art in Michigan in 1988 MFA degree from Cranbrook Academy of Art in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan in 1988
Chairman of the Fashion Design program at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (Rus-Russo). Currently Nick Cave is a performing artists and director of the graduate fashion program at the Art Institute of Chicago (The History Makers, 2004). Currently Nick Cave is the Chairman of the Fashion Design program at the School of the Arts Institute of Chicago. And a prolific performer Professor Fashion Design Fashion - Body and Garment Let this last video be a challenge to each of you as you enter your new carriers as Art Educators. PLAY VIDEO Thank you.